Flames of Vengeance Side Quests Pt. 2 – Divinity II: Ego Draconis

This guide will help you complete the second batch of side quests found in the Flames of Vengeance expansion for Divinity II: Ego Draconis.

Flames of Vengeance Side Quests Pt. 2 Map

  • 1 – The Prancing Seahorse Inn
  • 1a – Cosy Dwelling
  • 1b – The Circle of Trust Inn
  • 1c – Alzbeta’s Emporium
  • 2 – Heleon
  • 2a – Gula’s Archaeological Digsite
  • 3 – Healers’ House
  • 4 – Rancid
  • 4a – The Playhouse
  • 5 – Astridax
  • 6 – Eereb, Nathirap
  • 6a – Aquila
  • 6b – Kaan
  • 7 – Chez Chanelle
  • 8 – Madam Eve’s
  • 8a – Gofannon

Side Quests Pt. 2 Walkthrough

This part of the walkthrough lists the the side quests that are acquired during your visit in the Lanilor Lane, save the first one (Mind over Matter).

Seahorse Salad

This quest is obtained by either talking to the painting in the Prancing Seahorse (#1), or talking to either of the people that have been turned into vegetables (Thomas – tomato at Cosy Dwelling (#1a), Gardner the carrot in the inn (#1b) and Ashraf the pumpkin at Alzbeta’s Emporium (#1c)). Talk to each of them to obtain more clues on how to revert the spell (or eat them all to gain 2 stat points for each of them, which ends the quest and doesn’t really save them).

After dealing with Ursula in the Prancing Seahorse, you can revert the spell to make them human again. If you let Ursula go, she’ll do so herself before leaving. If you killed her, there will be a vegetable spell scroll on her body, which you can read anywhere you want and it will remove the curse. Talk to each of them to receive a reward (they’ll be in the Prancing Seahorse on the ground floor). You’ll get two keys that open the only remaining locked chests in that area and you’ll get a skill book.

Herbal Medicine

After talking to Heleon (#2), you’ll learn that he’s not a real healer, but rather an alchemist who perchance stumbled on a rare formula for powerful healing potions. He sends you on a quest to recover his healing potions that got lost in the depths of his laboratory that was overrun by undead creatures.

Head to #2a where you’ll find an entrance to Gula’s Archaeological Site. Once you descend, you’ll need to find five potions in total. They are easy to distinguish from the surrounding area, as they have a bright blue glowing light behind them. The first one is right to the left in the first corridor. Make sure to break vases and crates on the way, as you’ll find a key that opens the door to latter rooms. The second potion is right on the corner where the initial corridor branches into two new ones.

Take the way to the left first, opening the door with a chest inside. The loot may not be that great, but in the vases around the chest, you’ll find another key. Use it to open the door to the right now. After dispatching another group of enemies, loot the third potion on the ledge to the left. The last two potions are the large room at the end, one in the northwest corner and the other on one of the tables.

AT this point, you may return to either Heleon, or turn him in to Bernard (#3). Turning him in might be a smarter idea because it gives better rewards, along with a skill book.

A Fraud a Day…

This mini-quest is automatically received and completed if you decide to turn in Heleon for his fraudulent healing. Simply talk to Bernard (#3) after you’ve got the five potions (as described in the quest Herbal Medicine).

Jewellery in Law

This quest is received from Rancid (#4),a homeless man sitting in front of Chanelle’s house. Since it’s heavily intersecting with the quest All the After World’s a Stage (which is on this page), check it out on how to reach Mara, his deceased mother who stays in the Playhouse (#4a).

After you reach Mara, just kindly explain the situation her son is in, and she’ll give you the family heirloom earrings. Return to Rancid to complete the quest.

Sinister Motives

This quest is received from Astridax, a shady mage across the waypoint shrine in Lanilor Lane (#5). He requires three pieces of special jewelry to conduct a few experiments. The problem is that those items belong to other people and they are the objectives of the quests Eternal CommitmentReminiscence of the Past and Jewellery in Law.

It should be noted that Astridax shells out greater rewards, however giving him the items is totally immoral. Your choice.

Brothers in Arms

This quest is received from either Eereb or Nathirap, who are standing in front of Willy’s house (#6). They are outcasts from their goblin tribes and wish to fight alongside Aleroth’s army. However, the commander Aquila didn’t let them because he doesn’t think they are proper warriors.

Go to Aquila (#6a) and speak with him. He’ll say that they can join, but they need their traditional weaponry and armor. This brings you to Kaan (#6b), who can sell you that for 11k gold coins. Afterwards, just return to the brothers and hand them the arms. Talk to Aquila again and you’ll solve the quest. Besides the standard rewards, you’ll also get a skill book.

All the After World’s a Stage

During your visit to the Playhouse (#4a), you’ll come across a group of ghosts that want to replay a scene from one of the plays they did back in their lives. However, the ghost that’s supposed to play a character named Camilla has failed to remember the lines and it’s up to you to replace it. Check out the Playhouse entry on the overview page for Lanilor Lane on how to acquire the scripts for the play.

After that’s done, you’ll also need to change your sex to female (if you’re male) to be able to participate in the show. Visit Chanelle (#7) and then talk to Alfred in the Playhouse again. The play will start and you should partake with the first, second and fourth line, respectively. A demon will appear which you’ll need to defeat. This ends the quest and rewards you with an additional skill book.

Murders in the Rue Lanilor

Once you speak to Madam Eve in the brothel she holds at #8, she’ll mention that she’s been having problems with the authorities lately, as a string of murders have happened in the rooms. She’ll give you two keys, to room 101 and and 102, to investigate and help her out.

In room 101 you’ll need to mindread Kevin, the pig in the corner, so that you can find an enigmatic blade hidden under the bed nearby. In the next room, 102, pick up the weird piece of flesh found near the beds. With these clues, talk to Madam Eve again and she’ll send you off to Gofannon in the market (#8a) and Dr. West (#1b) in the Circle of Trust Inn in the plaza.

Once you talk to those two, you’ll get an additional lead: the sword is at least a century old and the skin is torn off from a “natural” undead, a type of undead not raised by necromancy. After telling that to Sheridan, the guard in Madam Eve’s, she’ll let you in the room 103. The room, besides having mutilated body, has a pixie dust laying on the floor near the bed that should be picked up. Inquire Madam Eve about it and she’ll say that it might belong to Chanelle (#7). Visit her and she’ll give you anti-pixie dust, that removes effects covered up by pixie dust.

Return to the Madam Eve’s and she’ll be upset and the creature has returned. Head to the room 103 again and this time around, you’ll come across a bloodied button on the wall once you use the anti-pixie dust. The button will make a trapdoor appear that leads into Eerie Undercroft. As you start exploring, the first corridor to the left has two malachite veins lying about, and a treasure chest at the end of the disappearing platforms that contains a special crystal. In the other corridor (to the right), you’ll face Rotha, a zombie guardian of the creature you’re hunting, who drops a crystal. Use the two crystals on the pedestal to open the large room in the south.

To fight Jake, the main zombie, you’ll need to kill zombified forms of his recent victims. To get them to come out of their graves, you’ll need to activate three gravestones found on the outer rim of the room. They are distinctly marked with a purple glimmer around them. Once they are dead, you can deal damage to Jake and as soon as he dies, loot his body and the spawned treasure box for some extra goodies. The only thing left is to report to Madam Eve to end the quest and receive generous rewards (two skill books). You might encounter Bellegar who’ll teleport you temporarily to a special arena where you’ll fight off some of his minions. After that you’re free to go.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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