Flames of Vengeance Side Quests Pt. 3 – Divinity II: Ego Draconis

This guide will help you complete the third batch of side quests found in the Flames of Vengeance expansion for Divinity II: Ego Draconis.

Flames of Vengeance Side Quests Pt. 3 Map

divinity ii flames of vengeance side quests 3 map
  • 1 – Peter
  • 1a – Healers’ House
  • 2 – The Phoenix Inn
  • 2a – Top Room Key
  • 3 – The Circle of Trust Inn
  • 3a – Mysus
  • 3b – Carmina
  • 3c – Jango
  • 4 – Bellegar’s Coin
  • 4a – Casca
  • 4b – Virginius
  • 4c – Valeri
  • 5 – Aulus & Minius
  • 6 – Temple of Nimir
  • 6a – Chez Chanelle
  • 7 – Rune Handles
  • 7a – Maxos Shrine
  • 8 – Nericon
  • 8a – Forgotten Crypt
  • 8b – Source Square
  • 8c – The Engineer
  • 8d – Levers

Side Quests Pt. 3 Walkthrough

This page covers the side quests obtained in Mardaneus Plaza or ones that are indirect follow-ups from the ones completed in there.

First Aid

After talking to Peter (#1) in Mardaneus Plaza, simply return to Healers’ House (#1a) and head to the basement floor. Since you’ve got the password (from Peter) now, enter the room and loot the purple orb from the table to the right.

You can also use the chance to pick up the quest Something Rotten from Kelton. There’s also a chest in the back of the room that can be opened if you’ve got the key for it from Bernard. It contains Shadow Archer bracers.

Anyway, as soon as you have the orb, you’re ready to return to Peter in Mardaneus Plaza. While giving him the orb, you’ll also mention Kelton, but Peter won’t be able to do anything, saying that an incurable disease has struck him.

Something Rotten

After you’ve found Kelton (#1a) in the basement of the Healers’ House, you’ll get a quest from him to cure his disease. The answer lies in the top room of the Phoenix Inn (#2). In order to be able to enter that room, you’ll need a key.

If you mindread Ricky, the bartender in the inn, you’ll get a location revealed in Lanilor Lane (#2a) where the key lies. Simply return to the top floor room then and light up the candles around the bloody pentagram. A demon named Ezaazh will appear that you’ll have to slay. He cursed Kelton and after he dies, loot him and return to the skeleton. Afterwards, the curse will subside and he’ll be normal again. You’ll get a skill book along with the usual rewards.

A Hunting We Shall Go Once More

While speaking to Balbus in the Circle of Trust Inn (#3), he’ll mention a job for you: a few bounties to be collected. Mysus can be found in Lanilor Lane, inside the Black Market (#3a). In order to enter the area, you’ll need to mindread Nerk and pose as his fence and then he’ll just let you in. Defeat all the bandits down there by provoking Mysus first. Make sure to loot everything, as there are quite a few goodies.

The other two, Jango and Carmina, are found in Crow’s Nest. Carmina is hiding in Decimus’ House (#3b), while Jango is hiding inside Wild Willows Manor (#3c). Check out the designated page on how to reach him.

Once you’ve looted the acquired items, just return to Balbus and he’ll reward you for the effort. You’ll get an exceptionally good one-handed weapon, Caracalla’s Warhammer.

Mind over Matter

Mind over Matter is a special quest, received only by mindreading certain people in the city and finding out what each of them desire. There are eight subquests in total and you can acquire them in whichever way you want. However, they can only be completed in a certain order, as reward from one subquest is the objective of the next one.

The only item that you can find out in the open is Bellegar’s coin for Messalina, so the whole chain of subquests start with her (#3). You can find the coin at #4 up on the ledge in the remains of a corpse. As a reward Messalina will give you a book called The Saucy Lass from Rivertown. Take that one to Bernard (#1a, top floor of the Healers’ House) and you’ll get a bottle of High Hall wine. The wine should be given to Bedwyr (#2), right across the street in the Phoenix Inn.

You’ll get a limb from Bedwyr. Take it to Dr. West, who requires such an item. He’s in the same room as Messalina (#3). As a reward, you’ll get a zeppelin toy, wanted by Casca (#4a). A compass is what you’ll receive from Casca and that’s exactly what Virginius (#4b) wants, the guard at the market. He’ll give you a pearl necklace in return, which you should take to Flora, the female guard at the bar of the Phoenix Inn (#2).

The last item you get, Racoon rune, is for Valeri. That character will appear only if you push one of the five buttons found throughout the city, for example this one (#4c). He’ll appear walking down up the street, in a healer’s garb. After giving him the rune, you’ll get a magnificent reward for completing the whole quest – three skill books along with the usual experience.

Old Dogs or New Tricks?

In the basement of the Circle of Trust Inn (#3), you’ll find Messalina, who’ll send you to check up on two knights that were supposed to explore the temple of Nimir. You’ll find them arguing over at #5, near the entrance to the Prancing Seahorse. If you mindread Aulus, you’ll find out that he’s wounded. You can use this information to have a better judgement of who should go with you to the temple.

Minius might also be a better option because once you decide to check out the temple, he has a special key that opens one of the treasure chests down there. Once you’ve made your decision, return to Messalina to finish the quest.

Baldini’s Bouquet

This quest is received from Baldini inside the Temple of Nimir (#6). The temple isn’t overly complex, but it’s fairly large and has its own page – Temple of Nimir – which you should check out in order to find Baldini, who’s in the northern part of the dungeon. You’ll also need to acquire the flower from the top platforms before heading out.

Go to Chanelle (#6a) and she’ll be delighted to hear from her uncle. Since you brought her the flower, she’ll make a perfume in return. Simply zone in and out while she “makes” the parfume. Take it to Baldini and the quest will be finished successfully.

Rune Handles

This quest starts once you pull either of the five levers located on the walls in Aleroth. They are all marked by the same notation, #7 – two on Lanilor Lane, one in the Great Market and two in the Crow’s Nest. Each time you pull a lever, a rune will start to glow on the wall near Valeri (#4c), who’ll spawn after you pull the first lever.

Once you’ve interacted with all five buttons, head to Valeri and ask him about the meaning of each rune. You’ll need to take this information to the statue at #7a. The correct sequence of answers is “kitten”, “totem”, “totem”, “Maxos” and “kitten”. This will complete the quest and spawn an entrance to Maxos’ shrine in front of you.

Descend into the temple and feel free to explore. You’ll eventually reach three levers located directly below three runes at the end of each corridor. Defeat all the enemies first before touching them and then pull all three. Additional waves of enemies will spawn and you’ll have 300 seconds to defeat them all. This is fairly easy, just explore every corridor again and clear them of all the skeletons. The large metal grate will open and let you loot one the golden chests after you pick at the pedestal.

It doesn’t matter which one you pick, as either of them have Maxos bracelet, which is the item needed to complete the Clue V for the main quest To Find a Wizard.

Nericon’s Wrath

This quest, given by Nericon (#8) is essentially the same as Dead Rising given by Augustus. You’ll need to cleanse the city of undead. That can be done by heading to the Forgotten Crypt located in Crow’s Nest (#8a).

Once you descend in the crypt, you’ll be addressed by Skulk, a troll apparently serving an entity known as the Engineer. Make sure to mindread him every time, as you only get partial information each time you do so. He’ll quickly vanish behind the flames leave you go to after him. The crypt itself is fairly simple, with just one corridor and a small turn at the end.

Proceed past the flames and pull the lever. After a few skeletons, Skulk will taunt you again, while drawing your further inside the crypt. Lever after lever and door after door, you’ll reach an extremely poisonous room that forks into two ways. In order to stop the poison, take a look to the platforms above you and jump onto them. Pull the lever on the other platform and you’ll unlock one of the chambers below where you’ll find Abbot, one of the last living monks of the local abbey. Make sure to mindread him and find a key on the first hanging torch. It opens the small lockbox on the desk that has Shadow Archer bracelet in it.

Abbot will open the other door, where you’ll find Skulk again. Mindread him again to gain the third part of the sentence and he’ll leave after a brief conversation. The trap can be disabled in two ways: either by reciting the whole sentence (spell) to Abbot that you’ve learnt from Skulk, or let him sacrifice himself. The exit at the end leads to Source Square at #8b.

Take the way leading upstairs and you’ll reach a large space with platforms and the Engineer (#8c) standing in the middle. After a short cinematic that sort of explains what to do, you’ll need to pull four levers scattered around the corners (#8d). After that’s done, go up to the Engineer and slay him. After looting him, you’ll unveil another clue – Clue IV for the main quest. If you’re collecting Shadow Archer set items, check out the platforms in the east – there’s a helmet hidden in a chest. Return to Nericon to get your reward. Also be sure to report to Augustus in the Ministry as this quest has essentially the same objective as Dead Rising.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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