Flames of Vengeance Side Quests Pt. 4 – Divinity II: Ego Draconis

This guide will help you complete the fourth batch of side quests found in the Flames of Vengeance expansion for Divinity II: Ego Draconis.

Flames of Vengeance Side Quests Pt. 4 Map

divinity ii flames of vengeance side quests 4 map
  • 1 – Tom, Taurus
  • 1a – Taurus’ House
  • 1b – Luxurius’ Mansion
  • 2 – Claire
  • 3 – Wild Willows Manor
  • 4 – Gula’s House
  • 4a – Gula’s Archaeological Site
  • 4b – Heleon

Side Quests Pt. 4 Walkthrough

These quests can only be obtained after you get access to Crow’s Nest district.

Beauty and the Beast

You’ll start this quest after intervening in a conflict between Tom and Taurus in the Crow’s Nest (#1). You’ll learn that Luxurius is a man who snatches girls and buys them with his wealth. Now that he’s got Tom’s girl, Anne, he’s getting desperate.

In order to help him out, you’ll need to visit Taurus’ house (#1a) on the Lanilor Lane first to grab some clues. There’s nothing special in there apart from a lever in the room upstairs (press it three times till the third kettle drops with a key inside that opens a chest nearby) and then there’s sewer entrance in the room on the ground floor, to the left.

Once inside the sewers, head left first (you might come across a key here, that opens a chest nearby with nothing of real value though), then left again, into a room with four statues. As you walk in, from left to light, you’ll need to set them to glow red, blue, green and blue, as hinted by the other statues in the other rooms. This will cause a chest to spawn near the entrance to the room with a private chamber key inside.

Now backtrack all the way to the entrance, but head right (south) this time to open the private chambers. After a few steps, you’ll find Luxurius and Anne. Simply defeat him and his guards to loot his corpse. He has an Order of the Viper belt on him, along with the key to the prison and a few more useful items. Free Anne from the cell she’ll ask you to visit her and Tom in the Cosy Dwelling. There’s one more thing left to do here: with a key that was in Anne’s cell.

First of all, you’ll need to push four buttons located in the room. The first one is at the fountain between the candles and it will turn the whole room purple. The next one is on the stool near the bed. You’ll recognize it by its teal glow. Now press the one on the rafter near the fountain, and last but not the least, the one near chandelier near Anne’s cell. This triggered the removal of a magical barrier in Luxurius’ house. Head there now and defeat the remaining guards. The golden chest has a few high level items. Now you can go outside (#1b) and visit Anne and Tom. Make sure to mindread them to gain 2 stat points.

This quest could have also gone a bit different, if you instead let Taurus kill Tom in the beginning. This would cause him to give you his finger, so that you could access Luxurius’ mansion directly from the Lanilor lane.

And It Burns, Burns, Burns

Upon finding Claire at #2, right in front of her house, she’ll be asking for your help as she’s left a baby inside the house, along with a few other valuables.

Upon entering the house, a certain timer will start, before one of the items you’re looking for (the baby, love letters or the ring) will be scorched. The (probably) most optimal way to do the quest is to head into the west room first, picking up the love letters on the desk to the far southwest of the room. Then just proceed to the upper floor and jump over the broken bookshelf on your right. You’ll find a key lying about and just continue into the next room to the left, ignoring the enemies. The key you just looted opens the small lockbox on one of the stools, opposite of where the baby lies in its cradle. Pick up the ring and then the baby.

In case you want to open the locked chest downstairs, there’s a key for it in the bath tub in the room where the baby was. After that’s all done, return to Claire and she’ll be happy that you’ve managed to save everything.


This quest happens in its entirety inside the Wild Willows Manor (#3), so you should check out that page. It’s about bring a drink to an imprisoned troll called Najaad.

The Blighted Beaker

This quest happens in its entirety inside the Wild Willows Manor (#3), so you should check out that page. Troll Najaad will turn into a goblin and you’ll have to free him.

Fat Chance

After completing the quest An Appetite for Murder, Bernard will give you a key to access Gula’s house (#4). Go there and take a look around.

Since there’s not much to do around, go upstairs and you’ll meet Gula, a large troll (who was actually cursed, he’s a human). Talk to him about removing his curse and you’ll get troll king Bragi’s plate, along with the quest to place it onto the ceremonial pedestal in his archaeological site (#4a). Head there next. If you do not have the key yet, talk to Heleon (#4b) and do his quest Herbal Medicine.

Besides placing the plate, you’ll also need to place a cup down there on the other pedestal. That item is acquired in the Wild Willows Manor. After doing so, just return to Gula and he’ll be back into his human form again. He’ll thank you and give you a key that opens a golden chest nearby. Open it to complete the Clue III for the main quest.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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