Orobas Fjords Keara’s Fortress – Divinity II: Ego Draconis

This guide will help you navigate Keara’s Flying Fortress in Orobas Fjords in Divinity II: Ego Draconis.

Keara’s Fortress Map

divinity ii keara's fortress map
  1. Entrance
  2. Two-Way Teleport
  3. Keara, Velanir
  4. Devastation Statue
  5. Mayhem Statue
  6. Havoc Statue
  7. Waste Statue
  8. Chaos Statue
  9. Keara’s Gate

Keara’s Fortress Walkthrough

Keara’s Flying Fortress is accessed from the large teleport just a bit to the south of Champions Harbour on a cliff. After entering, release your dragon form and fly upwards, clearing level after level of towers and nests. You may also wish to battle all the enemies on foot, however, if you’re level 34 or so, they’ll give very negligible experience.

The entrance to Keara’s Headquarters is located on the level just on below the top, easily discernable with the glowing teleport (#2). After you enter it, you’ll immediately run into Keara who’ll teleport away and Velanir (#3), her deceased husband who’s currently a ghost. He gives the quest Close to the Bone, which will be fully described on this page.

As you explore the place, you’re bound to run into statues, whose names you’ll need to decipher before you can continue to Keara’s residence. The first statue right at the beginning (#4). The other ones are located at #5 and #6 in the southwestern room and #7 and #8 in the northwestern room. The statues, 5 in total, will each give a clue that leads toward their name.

The solutions are as follows: statue #4 is Devastation, statue #5 is Mayhem, statue #6 is Havoc, statue #7 is Waste and the last one at #8 is Chaos. After telling all the statues their names, head to the gate at #9. You may use the teleports in the rooms with the statues to arrive there faster.

After reaching Keara, you’ll get a chance to free Velanir from her Fortress, depending on how you pick the conversation lines. Either way ends the quest properly, so you might as well for example, tell Keara about the feast Velanir mentioned and then that he’ll wait for her in the Hall of Echoes. Of course, all the conversations also lead to a fight. After she’s dead, loot a few nice items off her and head back the way you came from.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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