Orobas Fjords Main Quests – Divinity II: Ego Draconis

This guide will help you complete the main quests found in Orobas Fjords in Divinity II: Ego Draconis.

Orobas Fjords Main Quests Map

divinity ii orobas fjords main quests map
  1. Black Ring Bunker
  2. Primordial Cave
  3. Yggdrasil
  4. Jievaras
  5. Irminsul
  6. Broken Valley
  7. Sepp, Zeppelin to Aleroth
  8. Hall of Echoes

Main Quests Walkthrough

Welcome to the section that covers the main quests found throughout Orobas Fjords, culminating with the revelation of Hall of Echoes.

Before really going on about with the quests, check out the bunker at #1 that has a few Black Ring members inside and more importantly, three levers that you need to pull. They remove some of the crucial anti-dragon zones that prevent you from accessing the rest of the fjords.

X Marks the Spot

The first main quest in the Orobas Fjords takes you behind a waterfall to a secluded cave (#2) called the Primordial Cave. However, after venturing a bit further into the cave, you’ll come across three statues and each one of them will give you a small quest that you’ll need to complete in order to pass. These quests are combined into the framing quest Reaping the Seeds.

After you pass the statues, and the fire traps, you’ll come across the Patriarch, who’ll fill in some answers to the questions you might have had. More importantly, he agreed to create an entrance to the Halls of Echoes beneath the tree Irminsul to the west.

Reaping the Seeds

This quest is started once you interact with the stone statues in the Primordial Cave (#2). Head to #3 in order to find the first seed, from the tree named Yggdrasil. Simply talk to the large tree in the center and a goblin will spawn which you’ll need to kill. If you mindread him, a malachite gem will spawn in the chest up the ladder. Return to the tree once the goblin dies.

The next tree (#4), Jievaras, gives you a task to kill three wyverns which orbit its place. Simply turn into your dragon form and burn down the wyverns. The last tree (#5) located to the far west, Irminsul, will pose a riddle. The correct answer is “Amphoras”.

Now that you’ve got all the seeds, head back into the Primordial Cave and place the seeds into the statues. This will end the quest and grant you further access into the cave, allowing you to continue the quest X Marks the Spot.

Lock and Key

Now that you’ve got two things you need in order to enter the Hall of Echoes, you’re still missing two more. This quest takes you to the ruined Broken Valley (#5). Broken Valley is pretty much a toxic ground filled with Damian’s flying fortresses and his lieutenants. Check out the designated page for it on how to proceed through the valley and reach the right destination.

Once you’ve reached the mine and defeated Ba’al, you’ll obtain a special seal which enables you to enter the Hall of Echoes. There’s still one thing missing though, and that is the shield.

Come to no Harm

This quest takes place in Aleroth, city that you can only reach if you’ve completed a side quest called On the Road Again. That way, zeppelins will be available for use again and you can ask Sepp to take you to Aleroth.

Aleroth is a fairly straightforward place, its districts mainly cut off due to demon invasion on the city. Go to Aleroth’s page in order to navigate more easily throughout the city. Eventually, you’ll reach Zandalor again, who’ll be trying to seal off demon portals.

Help him out with that by preventing anything from hitting him during his channeling spells. Once that’s done, you’ll be given a shield that will protect you from the negative auras in Hall of Echoes. It all completes your journey in finding the necessary prerequisites for entering the Hall of Echoes.

Halls of Echoes

If you’re sure there isn’t anything else to do, head to the Hall of Echoes, whose entrance is located at #8. Read the scroll you obtained at your Battle Tower earlier in the game (Maxos’ scroll) and enter.

Once inside, you’ll transform into your dragon form for the time being and you’ll need to destroy the four nest towers as fast as you can, before the spawns and other draconic enemies overwhelm you. Healing spell, along with the shielding one, is extremely useful in here. Once they’re down, continue flying through the small ravine and enter the large black and yellow looking sphere.

As you enter the sphere, you’ll turn back into human form and find yourself in some sort of ruins spiral down into a pathway leading up to the arena. Be ready for some tough fights in here. Also, a bug may occur during some of the fights where you can instantly get one-shot by some of the spells the bosses cast. Simply try to acquire Hide in Shadows skill (you can mindread almost every mini-boss and you’ll get a skill point from each one) and then try to wear down the problematic enemy before he hits you with a spell.

The whole event consists of several enemies, who’ll come back to haunt you in their spiritual forms. The first pair are Marius and Gene, the two Slayers you’ve killed in front of Maxos’ temple back in Broken Valley. The next one is Sassan, your steward of some sort in the Battle Tower. Then you’ll meet Amdusias again, the Dragon Knight from the Maxos’ temple. After him come Laiken and Razakel in pair, then Lord Kara and Lord John. In the end, you’ll meet Ba’al again.

Every time a mini-boss spawns, a few more mind-eaters spawn as well. They are big-ugly looking enemies who aren’t exceptially powerful, but they are there to cause headache. Also, the only way to progress into next boss fight is to defeat the previous one. If you don’t deal with the mind-eaters from the current wave before killing the current boss, they’ll be left over for the next fight and so on.

After killing Ba’al, a special gate will open, with a teleport inside. Use it to travel through the past and witness Ygerna’s memories where she’s being death sentenced by the Divine. Zandalor, the magician, is also participating in the event. Soon enough, you’ll end up fighting the whole room in order to save Ygerna (she’s the voice that has “guided” you throughout the game, posing as Dragon Knight Talana). You’ll have to fight several paladins and Zandalor all together. Try to position yourself around the pillars to try and minimize damage taken.

Once it’s all over, you’ll see what’s really going on and how Ygerna tricked you. She’s in fact the real leader of the Black Ring and after a few cinematics, the game continues onto its expansion, the Flames of Vengeance, where you’ll get your showdown with Ygerna. Congratulations on finishing Ego Draconis part of the game!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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