Orobas Fjords Side Quests Pt. 1 – Divinity II: Ego Draconis

This guide will help you complete the first batch of side quests found in Orobas Fjords in Divinity II: Ego Draconis.

Orobas Fjords Side Quests Pt. 1 Map

divinity ii orobas fjords side quests 1 map
  1. Crabbe
  2. Depleted Ore Mine Entrance
  3. Zeppelin Master Page, Sejanus
  4. Simeon
  5. Quintus
  6. High Hall Mines
  7. Gobie
  8. Zeppelin Parts
  9. Tilian, Montagu
  10. Sinister Cavern
  11. Bandits’ Hideout
  12. Alrik
  13. Moor

Side Quests Pt.1 Walkthrough

This section covers the first half of the side quests found in the Orobas Fjords.

Red Ore Alert

Upon threading in Orobas Fjords, head a bit north to find Crabbe in a small cave at #1. He’s a red ore miner, but his mine has been overrun with imps. In order to help him and his colleagues out, you’ll need to clear the cave at #2.

The target mine is described in more detail on its seperate page – Depleted Ore Mine. After finding and killing Alutiiq inside, take off his claw and bring it back to Crabbe to complete the quest.

Stood Up

After you finish the quest Red Ore Alert for Crabbe (#1), he’ll want a rescue to come and pick him up and sends you to Zeppelin Master Page (#3). Thing is, all the zeppelins are damaged and therefore need to be repaired before they can fly again.

In order to do that, you’ll need to complete the quest On the Road Again first, to get the zeppelins in the air again. After that’s done, simply tell Page that he should send someone for Crabbe over to the west. He’ll agree and you can then find Crabbe a bit later in the same area (leave the harbour and then come back) to collect the reward and end the quest.

Sight for Sore Eyes

During your adventures along the western beach, you’ll come across a blind philosopher who’d like to get his sight back. He’s sitting high atop the perch. In order to do so, he’ll need two malachites.

These crystals are generally very rare and you’ve probably already found several of them. If you wish to part with two of them, just give them to the blind man and complete the quest. The rewards are just standard gold and experience with a choice for an additional reward.

Between Troll and a Hard Place

This simple quest starts from Brutus, who can be found inside the Champion Harbour (#3). He’ll say that there have been troubles with the trolls to the north, the area called High Hall (#5).

Once you reach the place, talk to Quintus and receive the quest The Runes of Wrath. Completing this quest effectively ends the troll problem. Once that quest is done, this one will get completed as well, and all you’ll need to do is report back to Brutus.

The Runes of Wrath

Along the northern parts of the fjords, you’ll meet Quintus (#5), who’s fighting off the trolls stemming from the cave nearby. After talking to him and assessing the situation, head to the caves just a tad norther (#6).

Mundus is found in the High Hall Mines. After battling through the mines and settling matter with Mundus, return back to Quincy to complete the quest.

Divine Descendant

This quest is received in the small valley after approaching a group of peasants (#7), supposedly frightened by a ghost. One of them, Gobie, is the real victim, as his house is the one getting haunted. The other two, Eamon and Mona are, in fact, tricksters posing as ghosts and ghost hunters alike.

There are several ways to finish the quest. You can play along, which will cause Eamon and Mona to run away, presumably in fear, and the ghost you were supposed to hunt will turn to normal person, revealing the haunting fraud. The other way to finish the quest is to pay for the ritual that the pretenders want to hold, costing you 1000 gold coins. Alternatively, you can mindread both Mona and Eamon and expose them. This will cause the quest to branch into a different path, where you can either extort some money for your silence. The final way has you summoning a ghost, which causes Eamon to run away in fear.

On the Road Again

After you meet zeppelin master Page in the harbor at #3. Ask him about the zeppelins flying around and he’ll moan that the dragon, the wyverns and the goblins have been taking them out recently. In order to repair the ones that he has, he’ll need some parts, scattered all around the fjords.

There are nine parts in total to be found: three crystals, three rudders and three compasses. Their locations are marked in multiple places (#8). Once you’ve acquired all of them, head back to Page. Completing the quest will also make the other quest, Stood Up, ready for the completion.

Thorn in the Side

This mini-quest is started from Tilian (#9), found outside the small encampment, just south of the Champion Harbour. You’ve got only one shot at accepting the quest, Tilian will initiate the conversation himself and pull you in the shady business.

He’d like Saul killed, the prisoner they’ve recently barred for killing a Slayer. To get him, you’ll need to get past Montagu first, who guards the prison door. There are three ways to do that, either by beating him in a duel, bribing him (1000 gold coins), or mindreading him and then reporting to Tilian that he’s a smuggler.

Either way you pick, you’ll reach Saul by using the teleporter inside. It will take you high atop and you can learn the truth from Saul once you free him with the key found on the bench. You do not have to finish the quest if you do not want to, however, that way you’ll obviously fail it and walk away with no rewards. If you still decide to kill him, just report back to Tilian to receive your share of experience and gold.

A Hunting We Shall Go Again

This quest is started in the Champion Harbour (#3), by reading the wanted notes near Sejanus, inside the building. Your job is to find several powerful adversaries scattered throughout the Orobas Fjords.

Barnabus is the necromancer located in the Sinister Cavern (#10). You’ll need his ring as a proof.

Ragon is the leader of a local bandit group in the bandits’ hideout at #11. He also drops a ring.

Alutiiq is the blue fiery blob found in the Depleted Ore Mine (#2). He’ll drop a mask that you’ll need to return to Sejanus.

The last on the list are Alrik (#12) and Moor (#13). Alrik is a goblin that will drop a necklace, while Moor is another bandit who carries a certain ledger.

Once you’ve defeated a target, just return to Sejanus and turn the item in, finishing the mini-quests. You’ll also get additional rewards when you bring all the items.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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