Orobas Fjords Sinister Cavern – Divinity II: Ego Draconis

This guide will help you navigate the Sinister Cavern in Orobas Fjords in Divinity II: Ego Draconis.

Sinister Cavern Map

divinity ii sinister cavern map
  1. Entrance
  2. Teleport Shrine
  3. Platform Room
  4. Generator, Lever
  5. Barnabus
  6. Teleport Shrine
  7. Lever
  8. Key (a) and the Chest (b)
  9. Teleport Shrine
  10. Key in a sarcophagus
  11. Locked Chest, Book of the Dead

Sinister Cavern Walkthrough

Sinister cavern is accessed above the waterfall, near the beginning of Orobas Fjords. It consists of four smaller regions, linked to each other by teleports. Right after the entrance, you’ll enter a large molten hall, with Barnabus the necromancer greeting you during the cinematic. Your goal is to unpower a couple of generators. There aren’t any treasures to find around here, so just take up your dragon form and head to the teleports scattered around on the rocks.

The first one, (#2a) leads to the chambers at #2b. Pick up the key at #8a for later (it’s near the metal bars in the wall). The room at #3 is another jumping puzzle. Some of the tiles (like the first set) will drop as soon as you step upon them so move fast because if you fall in lava, you’ll die instantly. After a while, you’ll reach another lever that activates the small teleport at the bottom. After beaming yourself further upwards with the teleport, continue all the way to the top to reach another one. This teleport gets you to the generator room (#4), where you’ll have to descend on the platforms instead and use the lever to unpower it.

Now you can access Barnabus’ platform as no shield protects it. He isn’t too hard to defeat and you’ll need the ring you loot off him for the quest A Hunting We Shall Go Again. There’s also a dragon skill book to be found nearby.

The next teleport shrine (#6a), brings you to another chamber (#6b). The chest in there (#8b) can be opened with the key you found previously, and you can pull the lever at #7 to unpower another generator, freeing up the nest tower for you to torch.

The third teleport, located high above on the cliffs (#9a), leads to a small chamber that has a skill book (#11) and Book of the Dead needed in Igor’s quest The Book of the Dead. You’ll find the key to the chest in one of sarcophagi in the previous room (#10).

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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