Sentinel Island Alchemists’ Quests – Divinity II: Ego Draconis

This guide will help you complete the alchemists’ quests found on Sentinel Island in Divinity II: Ego Draconis.

Sentinel Island Alchemists’ Quests Map

divinity ii alchemists quests map
  1. Bandits’ Hideout
  2. Broken Valley
  3. Geshniz’s Headquarters
  4. Rayhun’s Headquarters

Alchemists’ Quests Walkthrough

Once you’ve acquired the Battle Tower, you’ll be able to upgrade your alchemist’s platform by doing a few quests for them. The quests done for Allan are marked with (A), while the ones received from Barbatos are the ones with (B).

Allan Brew Confidential (A)

If you’ve chosen Allan as your alchemist, you’ll need to collect some plants to help him along with his experiments. All the plants you need are located throughout Orobas Fjords, but the probably best technique to collect them all is to send your gatherer, Harry, onto a herbpicking trip.

You’ll need Whisperwood, Black Rose, Holy Basil and Earth Root. You might also wish to acquire a Dragon Nail, because as soon as you deliver the first four ones, Allan will require this one as well. Afterwards, just deliver it to Allan and you’ll be able to make Allan Brew potions, that increase your resistances more than any other potion (+36 to resistances for 360 seconds). Of course, you’ll need to talk to Sassan as well about upgrading the platform. Along will the usual rewards, there will also be a skill book awaiting.

Wisdom in a Bottle (A)

The second quest from Allan will have you returning back to ruined Broken Valley (#2) in search of a Potion of Wisdom, acquired from Geshniz in his headquarters.

The place is a fairly straightfoward, short dungeon located in the far north (#3), near where Maxos’ temple used to be. Once Geshniz dies, loot the potion off him and you can choose whether you wish to drink it yourself to gain 5 intelligence, or return it to Allan. If you do return it, Allan will be happy and the quest will finish successfully with a skill book in addition the the regular rewards. Report to Sassan to have your alchemist platform upgraded.

Borrowed Book (B)

The first quest from Barbatos has you acquiring a special book kept in the Bandit’s Hideout (#1). The cave itself has a few tricks up its sleeve, so you should check that page out for more information on how to attain the book.

Once you reach the large room with the three golden statues, turn them around until they stop moving. Afterwards, just pick up the spawned book and get back to Barbatos and Sassan in the Battle Tower to collect your reward. You’ll get a skill book in addition to the usual rewards of gold and experience.

An Alchemist’s Apparel (B)

The second quest from Barbatos will have you returning back to ruined Broken Valley (#2) to look for an Amulet of Alchemy, that has last been spotted in possession of Rayhun, one of Damian’s lieutenants.

The place is also a short dungeon located in the far northeast (#4), where the village of Broken Valley used to be. Once Rayhun dies, loot the amulet off him and return it to Barbatos. He will be pleased to have acquired such a fine necklace and the quest will finish successfully with a skill book in addition the the regular rewards. Report to Sassan to have your alchemist platform upgraded to the final level.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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