Sentinel Island Battle Tower – Divinity II: Ego Draconis

This guide will help you navigate the Battle Tower on Sentinel Island in Divinity II: Ego Draconis.

Battle Tower Map

divinity ii battle tower map
  1. Harry, Tom, Dick
  2. Terrace
  3. Salome, Kirill
  4. Elevator
  5. Teleport Shrine
  6. Sassan
  7. Coffer
  8. Locked Chest
  9. Maxos’ Scroll

Battle Tower Walkthrough

After ending your dragon fight against Damian’s forces outside the Battle Tower, Sassan will introduce you to the gatherers who served Laiken by force. Now instead, they’ll serve you by collecting raw materials when you send them on missions. Their equipment can later be upgraded to increase effectiveness of their runs by reducing time spent on the mission and increasing amount of loot harvested. Harry collects herbs, Tom collects ore and last but not the least, Dick collects gems. You’ll meet them at #1. The exit to the terrace is to the east (#2).

There’s a dancer named Salome and the bard Kirill (#3) near the throne who can dance and play for you for the roleplay values, as you’re the lord of the battle tower now.

Besides, you’ve also received your Dragon Stone, which enables you to turn into a dragon at any time by pressing Q (default key). The rest of the room is also unlocked now, accessed by the elevator (#4) – your chambers which contain a shrine to teleport around (#5). You’ll also meet an illusionist in here, Hermaphroditus, who can change your appearance.

Sassan is a trader, who’ll stay at the far west (#6). You can mindread her to gain a skill point. You can stash the goods you do not wish to use at the moment at the coffer (#7).

The locked chest at #8 is a bit tricky to open. Head to the alchemist’s area first and find a key on the lab table. That key you found will open another chest found in the necromancer’s lair. Next, visit the trainer’s terrace to find another chest in there with a key inside. Use it to unlock the chest at the smith’s area that contains the final key. You may as well get the dragon skillbook laying about. The key you’ve found opens the locked chest in your chambers.

On the table in your bedchamber, you’ll find Maxos’ spell scroll (#9). It’s needed for the quest Hall of Echoes Bound – the main quest spanning until the end of the game. It’s one of the four components needed to find the entrance to the Halls.

At each location of your companions (alchemist’s, necromancer’s, trainer’s and enchanter’s), you’ll find a dragon skill book. There’s also another book lying on your bed.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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