Sentinel Island Enchanters’ Quests – Divinity II: Ego Draconis

This guide will help you complete the enchanters’ quests found on Sentinel Island in Divinity II: Ego Draconis.

Sentinel Island Enchanters’ Quests Map

divinity ii enchanters quests map
  1. Lister
  2. Goblin Stone
  3. Raze’s Flying Fortress

Enchanters’ Quests Walkthrough

This page lists the quests that can be completed to upgrade your enchanting platform, depending on the enchanter you took earlier in the game.

Short Supply (W)

This quest is started by talking to Wesson at his enchanting platform and asking him whether there’s anything you can do to improve his workshop. He’ll send you to one of his suppliers, Lister (#1).

You’ll find him heavily wounded at the entrance to the depleted mine. Use the opportunity to mindread him for a skill point and then proceed into the mine to find Alutiiq and loot his corpse for the supplies. The designated page for Depleted Ore Mine holds more information on its whereabouts.

Afterwards, just return to Wesson back in the tower and inform Sassan about it as well. You’ll then be able to chose whether you wish to choose between weapon, armor or jewelry enchanting. You’ll also get a skill book in addition to the usual rewards.

Raging Raze (W)

The second quest by Wesson takes place in Raze’s Flying Fortress. You’ll need to acquire Raze’s Cuirass, which will help Wesson in his enchanting studies. Since finding Raze is the main objective, check the designated page for his flying fortress – Raze’s Flying Fortress.

Once you’ve got the cuirass of Raze’s cold body, head back to Wesson. He’ll be delighted and the quest will finish. The only thing left to do is talk to Sassan about upgrading your enchanting platform. You’ll also get a skill book in addition.

Delicate Affairs (R)

If Radcliff is your enchanter, there will be only one quest to do for him and therefore only one upgrade for your enchanter’s platform. What you’ll need to do for him is bring a jewel of his hidden in one of the chests on Orobas Fjords. It is located somewhere near the entrance to Kali’s Flying Fortress, at #2 and contains the Goblin Stone.

As you open the chest, a pair of goblins will appear, wanting the Stone for themselves, offering two malachites in return. Either way you handle it, you’ll need to return Radcliff whatever gem you’ve decided to get: the Goblin Stone or the pair of malachites, if you wish to complete the quest. Afterwards, just tell Sassan about it and your enchanter’s platform will be upgraded.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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