Sentinel Island Main Quests – Divinity II: Ego Draconis

This guide will help you complete the main quests found on Sentinel Island in Divinity II: Ego Draconis.

Sentinel Island Main Quests Map

divinity ii sentinel island main quests map
  1. Island
  2. Jonelath (a), Igor (a), Necromancer Totem (b)
  3. Wesson (a), Radcliffe (b), Enchanter Totem (c)
  4. Allan (a), Barbatos (b), Alchemist Totem (c)
  5. Hermosa (a), Kenneth (b), Trainer Totam (c)
  6. Sassan’s Grave
  7. Laiken’s Old Study Entrance
  8. Red Barrier
  9. Waypoint Shrine
  10. Bandit Barracks Entrance

Main Quests Walkthrough

This section covers up the main quests that lead towards acquiring the Battle Tower on the Sentinel Island.

The Prophecy

Upon arriving on the Sentinel Island, you’ll meet Island (#1), an entity that foretells you parts of your destiny and introduces you to some of the concepts of the Battle Tower. There are eight teachers on the island, two necromancers, two alchemists, two trainers and two enchanters. You’re supposed to pick one from each pair and tell them to accompany you to the Battle Tower. This choice can only be done once, so pick wisely. Make sure to mindread her, as it gives you a level-up.

As far as the necromancers go, there’s Joneloth who gives extra protection against ranged and melee damage to your pet and Igor, who provides extra protection against magic. They are both located in the same cave (#2a). The better one seems to be Joneloth, because his quests give more experience, as the bonuses are negligible. Talk to both of them, but do not try to take sides. To pick one of the necromancers, you’ll need to commune with one of the large green totems (#2b).

You’ll also need an enchanter. There are two choices here as well: Wesson (#3a) and Radcliff (#3b). Talk to both of them and you’ll start the smithing competition that Radcliff wins. You can still however, pick whichever one you wish at the green totem at #3c. If you pick Radcliff, you’ll be able to sacrifice the last Workshop upgrade for two malachite gems. Wesson gives more skill points later on.

Alchemists on the island are Allan (#4a) and Barbatos (#4b). Allan is a fake alchemist, but he still knows how to brew potion. His specialization is the Allan’s brew, which increases all resistances 50% more efficiently as the best potion for that purpose. On the other hand, Barbatos is won’t make you give up potion of wisdom later on in the game (it gives you 5 intellect permanently). He also makes lower level potions for free. The alchemist totem is located at #4c.

There’s only skill trainer left to pick now. Hermosa (#5a) specializes in melee combat, while Kenneth (#5b) tends to do better in magic. Talk to them and Kenneth will propose a duel. Once he reaches the camp however, he’ll be surprised that he has to duel a woman. At this point he’ll try to reject the duel and you can either tell him to duel (where he’ll die) or tell him that you’ll decide their fates. Either way, Hermosa might be the better choice because she won’t force you to give up a book later on that gives 5 skill points. In the end, report your choice to the trainer totem at #5c.

After making all four choices, this quest ends as well, giving you substantial amount of gold and experience.

Candles in the Wind

After liberating Elfrith from the Dragon Elves during the quest Man Overboard, you’ll receive an Arcane Notebook. Head to the grave in the west (#6) and interact with it to start the quest, then read from the spellbook. The next thing to do would be to light up the three candles on the rocks around the grave.

After the ritual, the quest ends, giving the usual rewards and spawning the ghost of Sassan, Laiken’s former wife.

The Second Coming

After calling on the spirit of Sassan, she’ll help you get into Battle Tower once you get her into mortal form because she’s been bound to the grave. That is done by bringing her a ring from Laiken’s old study chambers at #7. She’ll reveal that the password to enter it is “demise”.

Inside the place, you’ll find a large hallway leading to the place with books and such. On your way you’ll meet three abominations and a few chests to loot. The locked chest at the end of the room can be opened later. As you loot Sassan’s ring from the small locket on the table, the abomination Sassan will be in the previous room. She’ll say a word or two and then spawn three abominations to fight you. Th abomination master will drop the key that opens the locked chest in the room you were previously in.

Get back to the grave and unbind real Sassan from it. She’ll come alive and urge you to head to the Battle Tower entrance. This quest ends, and the new one automatically starts.

Breaking an Entry

After receiving the quest from Sassan at the grave (#7), head to the entrance of the tower area at #8. To avoid a nasty bug, make sure to follow her on foot and not teleport using the waypoint shrines. Sassan will then taunt Laiken and he’ll remove the barrier, letting his servants to kill you. They, however, shouldn’t pose any threat.

As you clear groups of enemies ahead, you’ll have a chance to take a sideway, which leads into another waypoint shrine (#9). Soon enough, after killing Gabet, the bandit employed by Laiken, you’ll come across an entrance to the barracks (#10). It’s a moderately sized dungeon, so it’s explained on the page over here.

What’s in a Name?

This quest involves finding and killing the demon named Razakel, the that Laiken bonded his soul with. It’s entirely being done while inside the bandit barracks, so you should go check over that page for the walkthrough – Bandit Barracks.

Laiken in his Lair

After crossing through the Bandit Barracks, you’ll reach Laiken seated atop the battle tower. The quest is fairly straightfoward, you’ll just need to defeat the enemies in that room. Check the designated page for that area.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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