Sentinel Island Side Quests – Divinity II: Ego Draconis

This guide will help you complete the side quests found on Sentinel Island in Divinity II: Ego Draconis.

Sentinel Island Side Quests Map

divinity ii sentinel island side quests map
  1. Hermit
  2. Vacca
  3. Wyvern Nest
  4. Jonah
  5. Catherine
  6. Hermosa
  7. Elfrith
  8. Forlorn Cave
  9. Wolfsbane
  10. Fake Red Ore
  11. Turgoyn
  12. Ancient Journal
  13. Turgoyn (after you get the Battle Tower)

Side Quests Walkthrough

This page lists the sidequests that can be found scattered around the Sentinel Island.

From Soup to Nuts

This quest starts once you talk to the Hermit found in front of a small alcove at #1. At first he’ll appear very fearful and run away from you into the cave. Simply approach him and after failing to cast a series of fake spells, talk to him and he’ll say that the cauldron is for the wyvern soup he’s trying to prepare. However, he needs some ingredients – particularly a wyvern mother egg.

The wyvern nest is located at #3. If you want to trick the wyverns to prevent fighting them, talk to Vacca first (#2) to get a scent that conceals you among them (you might need to complete his quest first, Ghostbuster). Head to the spiral walkway. In case you didn’t take the oil, just run all the way to the top as fast as possible and pick up the egg at the last nest.

Return to the Hermit to complete the quest. The rewards are the usual ones, 1800 experience, 500 gold and a choice of eitehr 800 experience, 250 gold or some minor potions. The key you get opens the chest found on the way to Jonah (#4), by the column.


This quest is received from the friendly Dragon Elf, Vacca (#2). He’d like you to clear out the ghosts that inhabit his cave. The entrance is the trapdoor right next to him.

The cave is fairly small so there won’t be any problem navigating it. It has around seven ghost crawlers which need to be killed and you’ll get the message once you’re done. Besides them, there are a few chests and veins to be looted and the key that opens one of the chests is hidden on one of the rocks. You’ll also come across Vacca’s gem, green in colour.

Gem is pretty valuable (5000 coins) so if you decide to sell it, do it before telling Vacca, as you’ll be forced to kill him if you wish to keep it for yourself during the conversation after the quest. If you do not fail the quest (kill Vacca), the rewards are the usual ones.

The Old Ghost and the Sea

You’ll meet a lonely ghost fisherman named Jonah at the shore to the west (#4). After he tells you his tale, he says that he wants to catch a whale. However, the whale’s dead as well a long time ago and you should talk to Catherine (#5) about the sailor ghost, who happens to inspect the bones of the whale to the east.

Ask her about the sailor and the whale and she’ll give you an amulet she’s found nearby. Take it back to Jorah and he’ll be very grateful and give you his journal. The quest ends with the usual rewards in form of experience, gold and one option between experience, gold and minor items.

The Writing on the Whale

Once you talk to Catherine (#5) about her work around the bones, she says that she’s inspecting the bones and trying to identify them as she’s never seen such a big whale before.

In order to complete the quest, you’ll need to complete the previous one first (The Old Ghost and the Sea), and obtain the journal from Jonah (#4). Afterwards, just give it to Catherine and she’ll be pleased with the amount of information it has. This ends the quest in the usual fashion.

Man Overboard

Talk to Hermosa (#6) about whether she has any problems at the very moment. She’ll say that one of her crewmen is missing somewhere to the west.

The man you’re looking for stands on the pillar at #7. Just defeat the Dragon Elves around in the area, and then talk to him. He’ll be glad you saved him and go back to Hermosa’s camp. Elfrith will also give you a book that you should hold onto as it comes in handy later on.

Sibling Rivalry

If you jump into the water at #8 and turn around, you’ll notice a secret underground cave. It’s a fairly straightforward cave with a few chests to loot and then at the three-way, you’ll meet Mahalath and Adah, sisters who’re practicing their pets. There are three different ways to resolve this quest.

The first and the one that pays out the most in experience, is to say that you’re the strongest and beat them both. Fighting them both at the same time can be tricky so try to separate them, but running away and then luring them. After they both die, clear out the other passages for some more experience and minor loot.

The second way is to side with one of the sisters, Mahalath. Before she takes you on as an ally, you’ll have to get her a Wolfsbane potion first, found on the eastern side of the island, near Allan (#9). After giving her the poison, one of Adah’s pets will be poisoned and you’re supposed to bring it to the other Adah’s pets as well.

The third way is to side with the other sister, Adah. She’ll require a fake red ore to prove your alliance. You can find that at the shipwreck near Kenneth at #10. Then you’re supposed to take the fake red ore to the other sister’s pets, because it has weakening effects.

Either way you choose, the quest ends with standard rewards.

Legend of the Ancient Mariner

This quest is started once you talk to Turgoyn, a man found at the beach (#11) near Hermosa. He’ll want you to obtain a certain jounral for him, belonging to an ancient pirate. This quest can be finished once you attain the dragon form through the main quests.

Afterwards, just fly to the place with the sunken ship (#12) and loot the journal from the chest inside the ship. There are two ways to continue from here. You can give the journal to Turgoyn who’s waiting at the bottom of the battle tower (#13) after the events from the main quest. This nets you the usual quest reward. The other option is to read the book yourself and gain two skill points, however, failing the quest.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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