Sentinel Island Trainers’ Quests – Divinity II: Ego Draconis

This guide will help you complete the skill trainers’ quests found on Sentinel Island in Divinity II: Ego Draconis.

Sentinel Island Trainers’ Quests Map

divinity ii trainers quests map
  1. Morgan
  2. Saul
  3. Kali’s Flying Fortress

Trainers’ Quests Walkthrough

This page lists the quests that are available from your skill trainer in order to upgrade the trainer’s platform. The ones with (H) are given by Hermoss, while the other ones (K) are given by Kenneth.

Dear John (H)

The first quest from Hermosa is a simply delivery type of quest where you’ll just need to bring a necklace to a person named Morgan (#1). The necklace was a gift from him, but since they aren’t meant to be together, she’d like to return it.

You’ll find Morgan in the Champion Harbor in the Orobas Fjords. Luckily enough, he’ll take it rather well and simply move on with his life. In addition, he’ll give you a book that you’re supposed to bring to Hermosa, as she’s been looking for it a for a very long time.

Get back to the trainer platform and simply report to Hermosa, giving her the book in the process. In addition to normal rewards, you’ll also receive a skill book. You’ll need to talk to Sassan in the throne room first for the upgrade to take effect. This raises the skill cap to level 13 and ends the quest.

Murder for Myrthos (H)

The second quest from Hermosa takes you to Kali’s Flying Fortress ,accessed by flying through the vale at #3. You’ll need to defeat Kali herself, Hermosa’s sister and claim her sword Myrthos. The sword was in fact their fathers’ and Kali obtained it through patricide.

Since Kali is found at the end of her headquarters, check out the designated page on the flying fortress on how to get to her. After grabbing the sword off her, simply report back to Hermosa and tell Sassan in the throne room that your tower is ready to be upgraded. This will effectively raise the cap to some of the skills up to 15. You’ll also get a skill book as a reward.

Apprentice and Adversary (K)

This is the first trainer quest if you’ve chosen Kenneth. Your goal is to find a man named Saul, who was Kenneth’s previous apprentice. He’s located in the Orobas Fjords in the camp at #2, held as prisoner. You can talk to Montagu in front of the gate about it, and you’ll learn that Saul has slain a Slayer.

There are a few ways you can get past the guard, you can either bribe him, mindread him to learn about his Drudenae smuggling and then report him to his superior (Tillian) or you can also challenge him to a duel. Either way you get in, you’ll need to use the teleporter to reach the prison cell where Saul is in.

Grab the key from the bench and open his cage. From this point, there are two ways to finish the quest. You can either carry out the side quest Thorn in the Side, where you’ll end up killing Saul. From this point onward, just report back to Kenneth, there’s nothing else to do.

Alternative is to free him instead, by rerouting the teleport to another place and High Hall will do just fine (#3). Find the teleport shrine there and interact with it. Then just inform Saul and then tell that to Kenneth as well. In the end, you’ll just need to speak to Sassan to upgrade the platform and you’ll receive a skill book in addition to normal rewards for your efforts.

By the Book (K)

This quest is nearly identical to the one given by Hermosa. Kenneth will ask of you to obtain a rare book in Kali’s possession called The Demon Wars. Kali’s located deep into her flying fotress reached through by flying over the river at #3.

Once you’ve reached her in the headquarters, confront her about the book. After the fight, just loot it off her and take it back to Kenneth. The book, when read by yourself, gives 5 skill points, so it’s your choice whether you wish to do that, or finish the quest in a standard way. If you’ve decided to hand over the book to Kenneth, report to Sassan as well to upgrade the platform.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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