Invaders! – Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard

This is a guide for Invaders!, Chapter 1 of the Lizardfolk campaign in Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard. It includes a detailed walkthrough, a handy map, and a table listing all the points you can earn throughout the mission.

Invaders! Map

  1. Starting Point
  2. Closed Gate
  3. Lizardfolk Fighters
  4. Poison Archer
  5. Expansion Well
  6. Drawbridge
  7. Night Skinks
  8. Ancient Text
  9. Necromancer’s Room
  10. Darroc’s Shrine
  11. Crypt
  12. Treasure Room
  13. Rogue
  14. Minotaur Monument
  15. Caged Minotaurs
  16. Undead Skinks
  17. Main Gate


  • A: Tunnel.
  • B: Tunnel.


After decades of peace and prosperity in solitude, the Lizardfolk must rally together and once again defeat the forces that seek to invade their lands.

New Units


You’ll start out with just your champion unit, but as you make your way to the expansion well to the north (#5), you’ll pick up some lizardfolk fighters (#3) and a poison archer (#2). Then later, in the underworld, you’ll find some night skinks (#7) and tribal shamans (#10). In fact, you’ll find enough units in your travels that you won’t really need to do anything at the expansion well, other than place a couple of training buildings so you can upgrade your units.

Eventually you’ll come to the Order of the Flame units that you saw in the introduction to the chapter (#17). When you approach the gate that they’re attacking, a night skink will call up some undead skinks to help you out (#16). Then once you’ve defeated the Order of the Flame units, the chapter will end.

1 – Starting Point

2 – Closed Gate

So far as we can tell, there isn’t any way to open this gate and explore the southwestern corner of the map.

3 – Lizardfolk Fighters

When you approach this spot, two Lizardfolk fighters will accuse each other of killing their master, and then they’ll start attacking each other. The only way you can break up the fight is to uncover the real killer, a rogue hiding in one of the nearby containers. Once you’ve defeated the rogue, the Lizardfolk fighters will come under your control.

4 – Poison Archer

The poison archer will warn you about the rangers who are guarding the bridge to the north, and then he’ll join your cause. You’ll have to defeat the rangers to reach the expansion well (#5).

5 – Expansion Well

6 – Drawbridge

The Order of the Flame will raise the drawbridge when they see you coming. You’ll have to circle around through the underworld to lower it back down.

7 – Night Skinks

You’ll find some night skinks battling some rogues here. Any night skinks that you can save will join your side, and, after the battle, another night skink will appear next to the expansion well (#5).

8 – Ancient Text

You’ll find an ancient text here, and only the champion Blackclaw or a night skink unit (#7) will be able to read it. If you read the text, then several zombies will appear and attack you.

9 – Necromancer’s Room

In this room you’ll face a grave keeper plus a bunch of undead units. When the grave keeper dies, it will drop a necromancer journal, which contains its plans for world dominance (but which doesn’t seem to relate to anything in the chapter).

Note: If you destroy the necromancer font in the room, then you’ll find a potion of clarity III and a potion of cure severe wounds.

10 – Darroc’s Shrine

When you approach the shrine, a pair of tribal shamans will tell you that rogues have stolen the eyes out of the shrine, and that one rogue escaped to the north while the other fled south. Then the shamans will join your side.

You can find the rogues at #11 and #13. When you kill the rogues and return Darroc’s eyes to the shrine, the shrine will turn into a place of power, and your units will gain the ability to stun their opponents.

11 – Crypt

When you step on the pressure plate in front of the crypt, a zombie will appear and attack you. The first time you do it, the zombie will kill a rogue who will drop one of Darroc’s eyes.

You can summon a zombie as many times as you’d like (or at least so it appears), and each time the zombie will drop a random artifact when it dies. So you can use the crypt to level up your units if you’d like.

12 – Treasure Room

This room is trapped, so unless you selected Silverblade as your champion, you’ll take some damage if you want to loot the artifacts inside. However, the only really useful item in the treasure room is the bracers of armor, and you shouldn’t have any trouble running your champion in and out to get it.

There’s also a locked chest in the room. Gold shouldn’t be a problem at this point, but if you decide to loot the chest, you’ll have to use the scroll of knock, also found in the room.

13 – Rogue

The rogue will drop Darroc’s eye when he dies.

14 – Minotaur Monument

You’ll find the monument guarded by some minotaurs, including a minotaur lord. The minotaur lord will drop a minotaur horn when it dies. The monument itself will cause your units to fight more fiercely the closer they get to death.

15 – Caged Minotaurs

When you approach this area, a rogue will release three minotaurs from their cages, and you’ll have to fight them.

16 – Undead Skinks

When you reach this spot, a night skink will call up 10 undead skinks to help you out.

17 – Main Gate

This is where you’ll have your final battle with the Order of the Flame units.

Points Chart

Mission PointsValueDescription
Defeat the Invaders1500Killed all of the invaders at the main gate.
Find the True Killer100Found the killer of the Lizardfolk teacher.
Reclaim the Bridge100Defeated the rangers guarding the bridge.
Save the Night Skinks250Protected the night skinks from the rogues.
Solve the Mummy’s Tomb250Read the ancient text and defeated the zombies that it created.
Restoring Darroc’s Monument500Returned Darroc’s eyes to his monument.
Bonus: Minotaur Slayer250Killed all of the minotaurs in the area.
Bonus: Undead Hunter250Killed all of the undead units in the area. (This bonus might require that you kill a few zombies at the crypt.)

Bonus PointsValueDescription
Great Commander Bonus500Allowed fewer than 25% of your units to die.
Against All Odds Bonus500Created less than three captains.
Miser Bonus1000Used less than 400 gold and 400 shards.
Meticulous Bonus2000Completed every possible quest.
Time Bonus0Beat the mission in under 10 minutes. (You can actually score up to 1500 points here, but this bonus will never count against you.)
DifficultyVariesEasy is worth 0 points, Normal is worth 500 points, and Hard is worth 2000 points.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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