Dungeons & Dragons Online

Dungeons & Dragons Online: Shadowfell Conspiracy Screenshots

Turbine treated us to eleven new screenshots from their Dungeons & Dragons Online: Shadowfell Conspiracy expansion pack earlier today, with this latest eye candy depicting a new dungeon called “A Lesson in Deception”. Accompanying the imagery was a quick summary…

Dungeons & Dragons Online: Shadowfell Conspiracy Screenshots

Earlier today, Turbine cranked out a total of ten new screenshots showcasing the Stormhorn Mountains and their inhabitants in Shadowfell Conspiracy, the forthcoming second expansion pack for Dungeons & Dragons Online. And to give us a bit of context on…

Dungeons & Dragons Online 2013 Promotional Trailer

With Dungeons & Dragons Online having celebrated its 7th birthday earlier this year, Turbine has released a new promotional trailer for the adventure-based MMORPG that will be getting its second digital expansion pack later this year. Check it out:

Dungeons & Dragons Online Update 17: Return to Gianthold Released

With their seventeenth ambitious content update, Turbine has officially revamped Dungeons & Dragons Online’s Gianthold area, dungeons, items, and storyline to accommodate both heroic- and epic-level adventurers. A full set of patch notes can be found here, but I’ll just…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Update 16 Screenshots

Dungeons & Dragons Online fans have some new post-Menace of the Underdark content to look forward to in the near future with the game’s forthcoming Update 16: The Netherese Legacy content patch, and we have a few dozen screenshots to…

Turbine Restructuring Leads to Layoffs

The Boston Globe brings word that Turbine has laid off an undisclosed number of workers, though considering that their The Lord of the Rings Online: Riders of Rohan expansion pack was just released, this could just be a winding-down period…