Spiderspike Adventure: The Hollow 2 – Dungeons & Dragons Tactics

This guide covers a required adventure in the first act of Dungeons & Dragons Tactics. Below, you’ll find a table with adventure statistics, a map, map legend, and an overview.

dungeons dragons tactics spiderspike adventure the hollow 2 map

1 – Arrival
2 – Esseriel
3 – Locked Door and Traps
4 – Chests


The dark hollow hides many evils. Follow the path to find the witch.

Adventure Statistics
Party MembersRecm’d LevelTotal MonstersTotal ChestsEnd Reward
63rd3030 XP


1 – Arrival

Your party will arrive on this underground level via the upper area of Spiderspike Hollow. Make sure your party is well-rested before venturing into the main chamber of the cavern to the north!

2 – Esseriel

An Erinyes named Esseriel calls this subterannean area her home. With 79 hit points and an Armor Class of 24, this creature is by far the toughest you’ve fought in the game up to this point. Since she’s alone, though, you can easily surround her with your entire party. When the winged beast falls, every character in your party will receive a 750 experience point reward.

3 – Locked Door and Traps

This locked door leads to the Erinyes’ treasure chamber. Two traps have been set on the squares just beyond the door, so be careful as make your way inside the cave to get at the treasures within.

4 – Chests

Three locked chests line the northern wall of this chamber. Moving from left to right, the first chest contains a large amount of gold and a Frost Sling, the second chest contains a large amount of gold and a Potion of Shield of Faith +5, and the third chest contains a large amount of gold and a Wand of Magic Missile (5th). If you’re able to get into all three chests, you should be walking away with thousands of gold pieces. Nice!

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

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