This guide gives players the layout of a location in Act 1 of Dragon Age 2. It’s complete with a map, legend, and overview of the area.
Act I will start up a year after your arrival in Kirkwall, so you’ll no longer be indebted to Athenril or Meeran. When the game picks up, you’ll be in conversation with Bartrand (#6) trying to convince him to include you in his Deep Roads expedition. He won’t think much of the idea, but then you’ll meet his brother Varric (the dwarf who has been narrating the story), and he’ll make you a proposition: if you raise 50 sovereigns for the expedition, then he and his brother will take you on as an equal partner. See the quest entry for The Deep Roads Expedition for more information.
If you explore Hightown at night, then you won’t find anybody to talk to, but you will encounter hostile groups of guardsmen pretenders. If you kill enough of these groups, then you’ll receive the quest Night Lies, which will allow you to finish off the pretenders in their hideout.
1 – Worth
Worthy is a runecrafter. You’ll be able to purchase runes from him once you’ve found some resources. The first time you talk to Worthy, he’ll teach you the recipe for Runes of Protection.
2 – Hubert
Hubert will sell you a variety of items, including a Tome of Technique. He’s also involved in the quests The Bone Pit and Get Back to Work.
3 – Olaf’s Armory
4 – Korval’s Blades
5 – Robes by Jean Luc
You’ll be able to buy a Backpack here.
6 – Bartrand
Bartrand is involved in the quest The Deep Roads Expedition.
7 – Bodahn and Sandal
Bodahn will sell you a variety of goods. Sandal will take care of your enchanting needs.
8 – Pedestal
On this pedestal you’ll find the “places” codex entry for Kirkwall – Hightown.
9 – Chanter’s Board
At this spot you’ll find Chanter Taletha and the Chanter’s Board. If you have the Exiled Prince DLC, then the first time you approach the board, you’ll witness Sebastian arguing with Grand Cleric Elthina, and you’ll be able to pick up the quest Duty from the board.
10 – Danarius’ Mansion
This is the mansion Fenris will take over once you’ve completed the quest Bait and Switch. Inside, you’ll find the “lore” codex entries for Adventures of the Black Fox (on the floor near the entrance), The Imperial Chantry (on the floor on the upstairs landing), and The History of Kirkwall: Chapter 3 (in Fenris’ room).
11 – Book
On the table here you’ll find a book that will give you the “places” codex entry for The Anderfels.
12 – Madame Lusine
Madame Lusine will offer you “premium” service for 2 sovereigns, “standard” service for 1 sovereign, or “cheap” service for 50 silvers. After paying one of these fees, you’ll be able to choose between three prostitutes and then enjoy some time with them in one of the upstairs bedrooms. After partaking of these services once, the next time you talk to Lusine, you might get an extra dialogue option to ask for the “bad girl special” (if you’re female) or “something surprising” (if you’re male). For the former you’ll hear a sermon; for the latter you’ll hear a spoiler about a movie. Nothing that happens with Lusine or the prostitutes will lead to anything.
13 – Chest
Inside this chest you’ll find the recipe for Runes of Lightning.
14 – Idunna’s Bedroom
This bedroom will start out locked, and you’ll only be able to enter it once you’ve progressed far enough into the quest Enemies Among Us.
15 – Crate
Inside the crate here you’ll find a
Stone Toe, which will trigger the quest “The Paragon’s Toe” when you pick it up. To complete the quest, you’ll just need to deliver the toe to the New Surfacer dwarf in the bazaar section of Lowtown. For your efforts, you’ll receive 50 silvers and 250 xp.
16 – Document
On the table here you’ll find a piece of paper that will give you the “lore” codex entry for Hierarchy of the Circle.
17 – Book
On the table here you’ll find a book that will give you the “lore” codex entry for The Llomerryn Accords.
18 – Viscount’s Office
This office will start out locked. You won’t gain access until the quest The Unbidden Rescue.
19 – Seneschal Bran’s Office
You’ll find three things of interest inside this office:
- Bottled Scar 5:34 Exalted. When you pick up this bottle of wine, you’ll trigger the quest “Bottled Scar 5:34 Exalted.” To complete the quest, you’ll need to deliver the bottle to the Elven Vintner in the Lowtown bazaar. When you do, you’ll receive 50 silvers and 250 xp.
- A “standard” locked chest.
- A painting. The painting should give you or update the “lore” codex entry for The Enigma of Kirkwall, which is involved in the Archaeologist achievement. However, as of version 1.02 the painting is broken. If you’re playing on a console then you might be able to get the codex entry anyway by running into the painting while repeatedly hitting the action key, but if you’re playing on a computer then there doesn’t appear to be any way to get it.
20 – Book
On the table here you’ll find a book that will give you the “lore” codex entry for Chantry Hierarchy.
21 – Locked Door
You won’t be able to go through this door until Act II.
22 – Captain’s Office
This office will start out locked, and you’ll only be able to enter it once you’ve progressed far enough into the quest The Way It Should Be.
23 – Barracks
This is where you’ll find Aveline when she’s not in your party.
24 – Shield
On the fireplace here you’ll find a shield that will give you the “lore” codex entry for The Kirkwall City Guard.
25 – Book
On the table here you’ll find a book that will give you the “lore” codex entry for A Study of the Fifth Blight, Vol. One.
26 – Book
On the floor here you’ll find a book that will give you the “lore” codex entry for The Commandments of the Maker.
27 – Tapestry
The tapestry hanging on the wall here will give you the “lore” codex entry for Andraste: Bride of the Maker.
28 – Book
On the podium here you’ll find a book that will give you the “lore” codex entry for The Sermons of Divine Renata I.
29 – Grand Cleric Elthina
Elthina can give you a blessing (although, as far as we can tell, it won’t do anything for you). She’s also involved in Sebastian’s line of quests.
30 – Book
On the book stand here you’ll find a book that will give you the “lore” codex entry for The Maker.
31 – Book
On the bed here you’ll find a book that will give you the “places” codex entry for Par Vollen: The Occupied North.
32 – Book
On the crate here you’ll find a book that will give you the “lore” codex entry for The Founding of the Chantry.
33 – Book
On the table here you’ll find a book that will give you the side quest “Locks of the Golden Fool.” To complete the quest, you’ll just need to deliver the book to the Elven Radicalist on the western side of Darktown. He’ll reward you with 50 silvers and 250 xp.
34 – Book
On the table here you’ll find a book that will give you the codex entry for The History of the Chantry: Chapter 1. This codex entry is linked to the achievement Chantry Historian.
$ – Locked Chest