This page contains walkthroughs for all of the minor quests in Act II. Please use the “Contents” tool to navigate through these many quests.
A Debt in the Family
If your actions in the Act I quest Enemies Among Us caused Keran to be ousted from the Templar Order, then in Act II you’ll find Templar Recruit Margitte standing around in the Gallows Courtyard. When you talk to her there, she’ll tell you that Keran’s family is “in deep” with a moneylender named Senestra, and she’ll ask you to do something about it. If you tell Margitte that you’re not interested, then she’ll disappear and you won’t receive the quest. If you ask her what her idea is, then you’ll automatically accept the quest.
You’ll find Senestra at the Docks at night. When you visit her there, she’ll announce that a lot of people would like to see you dead, and then she and the hoodlums with her will attack you. Defeating this assault will complete the quest and earn you 750 xp. You’ll also find the dagger Chum-Cutter on Senestra’s corpse.
A Ship for Isabela
You’ll trigger this quest if you pick up a Ship in a Bottle from a chest in the Smuggler’s Cut during the quest Blackpowder Courtesy.
When you give the ship to Isabela in the Hanged Man tavern, you’ll receive friendship or rivalry points with her (depending on whether you’re currently friends or rivals with her), plus 250 xp.
A Story Being Told / A Rumor Making the Rounds
After completing the quest Family Matter, you’ll trigger the quest “A Story Being Told” once you’ve gained enough friendship points with Varric, or “A Rumor Making the Rounds” once you’ve gained enough rivalry points. You’ll only get one quest or the other. The two quests are essentially the same.
Note: You can also trigger these quests in Act III.
When you talk to Varric in the Hanged Man tavern, he’ll tell you about some of the stories he’s made up about you. There isn’t any way to gain friendship or rivalry points during this conversation, and you won’t receive any xp at the end of the quest.
An Update
You’ll automatically receive this quest once you’ve completed a main quest in Act II (that is, after completing Blackpowder Courtesy or Prime Suspect).
When you talk to Varric in his suite in the Hanged Man tavern, he’ll inform you that his brother Bartrand has returned to Kirkwall to collect some debts, and that he’s staying in an estate in Hightown. You’ll get to make two responses during this conversation:
- In your first response, if you say “You can tell me anything” or “Let’s get some drinks,” then you’ll gain friendship points with Varric. Otherwise, you’ll gain rivalry points.
- In your second response, if you say “Let’s go see him,” then you’ll gain friendship points with Varric. Otherwise, you’ll gain rivalry points.
Regardless of what you say, you’ll trigger the quest Family Matter. You won’t receive any xp for completing this quest.
Anders in the Fade
You’ll automatically receive this quest if Anders attacked you in the Fade during the quest Night Terrors.
For this quest you’ll need to talk to Anders in his clinic in Darktown. If you ended up killing the demon Torpor during the quest Night Terrors, then you’ll get the special dialogue option “It was a ruse,” and selecting it will gain you friendship points with Anders. Otherwise, no matter what you say, you’ll gain rivalry points.
Note: Gaining rivalry points with Anders in this quest will end any chance of a romance with him.
Back from Sundermount
You’ll automatically receive this quest at the conclusion of the quest Mirror Image.
For this quest you’ll need to talk to Merrill in her home in Lowtown. The conversation you have with her will be different depending on what you did in Mirror Image. If you gave up the arulin’holm, then you’ll gain friendship points with Merrill if you say “They’ll come around.” If you kept the arulin’holm, then no matter what you say you’ll gain rivalry points. You won’t receive any xp for completing this quest.
Calling on the Captain
You’ll automatically receive this quest at the start of Act II.
To complete the quest, you’ll just need to talk to Aveline in her office in the Viscount’s Keep. She’ll grouse about being the captain of the guard. If you tell Aveline that she loves the job, then you’ll gain friendship points with her. If you suggest that she quit and come work for you, then you’ll gain rivalry points. You won’t receive any xp for completing the quest.
Consoling Words
You’ll automatically receive this quest at the start of Act II, provided that you didn’t take Bethany / Carver with you on The Deep Roads Expedition in Act I.
When you talk to Merrill in her house in Lowtown, she’ll console you about losing your brother / sister to the templars / Circle. You won’t earn any friendship or rivalry points with Merrill during the conversation, and you also won’t earn any xp for completing the quest.
Doubts That Linger
You’ll automatically receive this quest if Aveline betrayed you in the Fade during the quest Night Terrors.
For this quest you’ll need to talk to Aveline in her office in the Viscount’s Keep. In your second response, if you say “With Circle control, I agree,” then you’ll gain friendship points with Aveline. Otherwise, you’ll gain rivalry points. You won’t receive any xp for completing the quest.
Fenris Night Terrors
You’ll automatically receive this quest if Fenris betrayed you in the Fade during the quest Night Terrors.
For this quest you’ll need to talk to Fenris in his mansion in Hightown. Depending on your dealings with Fenris in the past, the conversation will either lead to you gaining rivalry points with him, or it won’t have any effect on your standing. You won’t receive any xp for completing the quest.
Finding Home
Provided that you didn’t make a deal with Dougal during the Act I quest Friends in Low Places, then when you leave the Viscount’s Keep at the start of Act II, Bodahn will run up to you and pay you 50 sovereigns, the last of your profits from the Deep Roads expedition. Bodahn will then mention that your mother would like to speak to you in your estate in Hightown. This conversation will trigger the quest.
Note: If you receive this quest, then you won’t receive the quest Profit and Loss.
To complete this quest you’ll just need to enter your estate in Hightown. Talking to you mother is optional.
Friendly Concern
You’ll receive this quest after romancing one of your companions, and after completing the quest All That Remains.
When you talk to Varric in his suite at the Hanged Man tavern, he’ll caution you about your romance. If you reply with good or wry dialogue options, then you’ll gain friendship points with him. If you reply with aggressive options, then you’ll gain rivalry points. You won’t receive any xp for completing this quest.
Hometown Breed
You’ll trigger this quest once you’ve defeated enough (usually four to six) groups of dog lords in Lowtown at night.
When you receive the quest, you’ll learn the location of the dog lord base in Lowtown (at night). Inside, you’ll have to defeat numerous dog lords and mabari war hounds, plus Cor “The Bastard” Blimey, the dog lord leader. None of these enemies will drop anything interesting when they die. After the battle, when you visit A Friend in the Hanged Man tavern (at night), you’ll receive a reward of 2 sovereigns and 500 xp.
Isabela’s Apology
You’ll automatically receive this quest if Isabela betrayed you in the Fade during the quest Night Terrors.
For this quest you’ll need to talk to Isabela in the Hanged Man tavern. If you say “I forgive you,” then you’ll gain friendship points with her. If you say “You backstabber,” then you’ll gain rivalry points with her. You won’t receive any xp for completing the quest.
Isabela’s Ongoing Search
You’ll automatically receive this quest at the start of Act II.
To complete the quest, you’ll just need to talk to Isabela in the Hanged Man tavern in Lowtown. During the ensuing conversation, you’ll get to make two responses, each of which can affect your standing with Isabela:
- For your first response, if you say “Give it up” or “Are you sure?” then you’ll gain friendship points. Otherwise, you’ll gain rivalry points.
- For your second response, if you say “I’m with you” or if you flirt, then you’ll gain friendship points.
You won’t gain any xp for completing the quest.
Ladies’ Lights Out
You’ll receive this quest if you kill enough (usually four to six) groups of Invisible Sisters in Hightown at night.
When you trigger the quest, you’ll learn the location of the Invisible Sister base in Hightown. Inside, you’ll have to fight numerous Invisible Sisters, including their leader “Gracious” Gillian Winger. None of these enemies will drop anything interesting when they die, but by completing the quest you won’t have to worry about being attacked by Invisible Sisters in Hightown at night any longer. You’ll also receive 2 sovereigns and 500 xp the next time you visit A Friend in the Hanged Man tavern at night.
Merrill, an Apology
You’ll automatically receive this quest if Merrill betrayed you in the Fade during the quest Night Terrors.
For this quest you’ll need to talk to Merrill in her home in the Lowtown alienage. During the conversation, you’ll get to make two responses:
- In your first response, if you say “This is your last chance,” then you’ll gain rivalry points with Merrill.
- In your second response, if you say “Be more careful,” then you’ll gain friendship points with Merrill. Otherwise you’ll gain rivalry points.
You won’t receive any xp for completing the quest.
Pick up Pickaxes
After completing the quest Cavern of Dead, when you next talk to Jansen at the Bone Pit, he’ll complain to you about the “shoddy” pickaxes he and his men have to use. If you respond with “Anything I can do?” and “Sure,” then he’ll give you this quest. Otherwise, you won’t be able to get this quest from him.
Note: Jansen will leave the Bone Pit map at the end of Cavern of Dead. To get him to show back up, you’ll just need to exit and re-enter the map.
During your conversation with Jansen, he’ll tell you that a smith in Lowtown has pickaxes for sale “cheap.” You’ll find this smith standing next to the armorer during the day. To get the pickaxes from him, you’ll have to pay him 15 sovereigns. If you do, then you’ll automatically complete the quest and earn 1000 xp. You won’t get any hidden benefit for completing this quest, so you’ll have to decide if you’d rather have the money or the xp.
Plans for the Future
You’ll automatically receive this quest at the start of Act II.
For this quest, you’ll just need to talk to Varric inside the Hanged Man tavern in Lowtown. If you end the conversation with “I can do some good here” or “I could never leave you,” then you’ll gain friendship points with Varric. Otherwise, you’ll gain rivalry points. You won’t receive any xp for completing the quest.
Profit and Loss
If you made a deal with Dougal in the Act I quest Friends in Low Places, then you’ll receive this quest from Bodahn when you leave the Viscount’s Keep at the start of Act II.
Note: If you receive this quest, then you won’t receive the quest Finding Home.
Bodahn will let you know that Dougal is waiting for you in your estate in Hightown. When you meet with him there, he’ll try to shake you down for an extra 100 sovereigns. If you pay him then he’ll leave peaceably. Otherwise, he’ll threaten to see you again soon, and then at some point when you’re traveling through Kirkwall, he and several Carta thugs will ambush you. Dougal and his men won’t drop anything interesting when they die, but you will receive about 800 xp for defeating their attack.
Questioning Beliefs (Anders)
You’ll receive this quest at some point during Act II (possibly only after completing the quest Dissent), provided that you’ve gained enough friendship or rivalry points with Anders.
Note: You can also trigger this quest in Act III.
For this quest you’ll need to talk to Anders in his clinic in Darktown. If you’re friends with Anders, then he’ll thank you for the work you’ve done to help mages, and most dialogue options will result in you receiving friendship points with him. If you’re rivals, then he’ll try to convince you that templars are evil, and most dialogue options will result in you receiving rivalry points with him. You won’t receive any xp for completing this quest.
Note: If you’ve been romancing Anders, then you should get a chance to kiss him at the start of the quest.
Questioning Beliefs (Aveline)
You’ll receive this quest at some point during Act II (possibly only after completing the quest The Long Road), provided that you’ve gained enough friendship or rivalry points with Aveline.
Note: You can also trigger this quest in Act III.
When you talk with Aveline in her office in the Viscount’s Keep, she’ll talk to you about your actions in the city. This conversation will change depending on if you’re friends or rivals with Aveline, but in general if you select the nice or humorous answer at the end, then you’ll gain friendship points with her. Otherwise, if you’re mean or selfish, then you’ll gain rivalry points. You won’t receive any xp for completing this quest.
Questioning Beliefs (Fenris)
You’ll receive this quest in Act II, once you’ve gained enough friendship or rivalry points with Fenris.
Note: You can also trigger this quest in Act III.
When you speak with Fenris inside his mansion in Hightown, he’ll tell you the story of when he escaped from Danarius. Depending on what you say to him now, and what you’ve said to him in the past, you can gain friendship or rivalry points with him at the end of the conversation (flirting with him will generate the friendship points, if possible). You won’t gain any xp for completing this quest.
Questioning Beliefs (Isabela)
You’ll receive this quest in Act II, once you’ve gained enough friendship or rivalry points with Isabela.
Note: You can also trigger this quest in Act III.
For this quest you’ll just need to talk to Isabela in the Hanged Man tavern. If you respond with the good, wry or romantic dialogue choices, then you’ll gain friendship points with her, but if you’re aggressive, then you’ll gain rivalry points (or at least fewer friendship points). You won’t receive any xp for completing this quest.
Questioning Beliefs (Merrill)
You’ll receive this quest in Act II after completing the quest Mirror Image, provided that you’ve gained enough friendship or rivalry points with Merrill.
Note: You can also trigger this quest in Act III.
When you talk to Merrill in her home in Lowtown, you’ll discuss what happened during Mirror Image. If you’re friends with Merrill, then you’ll gain friendship points at the end of the conversation. Otherwise, you’ll gain rivalry points. You won’t receive any xp at the end of the quest.
Questioning Beliefs (Sebastian)
You’ll receive this quest in Act II, once you’ve gained enough friendship or rivalry points with Sebastian.
Note: You can also trigger this quest in Act III.
When you talk to Sebastian in the Chantry, you’ll discuss whether he should become a prince of Starkhaven or a priest in the Chantry. If you choose Starkhaven, then you’ll gain rivalry points with Sebastian. If you choose the Chantry, then you’ll gain friendship points. You won’t receive any xp for completing this quest.
Speak to Fenris
You’ll automatically receive this quest at the start of Act II.
When you talk to Fenris in his mansion in Hightown, he’ll mention that it’s been three years since he’s heard anything from Danarius, but then he’ll decide not to trouble you with his problems. If you respond with “You’re my friend” or “I can help you,” or if you flirt with him, then you’ll gain friendship points with him. Otherwise, you’ll gain rivalry points. You won’t receive any xp for completing this quest.
Tevinter Chantry Amulet
You’ll trigger this quest when you pick up a Tevinter Chantry Amulet from a chest during the quest A Bitter Pill.
When you give the amulet to Anders in his clinic in Darktown, you’ll receive friendship points with him plus 250 xp.
The Book of Shartan
You’ll trigger this quest when you pick up the book A Slave’s Life from a sack in the Lowtown alienage (at night).
When you give the book to Fenris in his mansion in Hightown, he’ll admit that he doesn’t know how to read, but he’ll thank you for the gift anyway. You’ll then receive friendship points with Fenris plus 250 xp.
The Captain’s Condolences
You’ll automatically receive this quest after completing the quest All That Remains.
When you talk to Aveline in her office in the Viscount’s Keep, she’ll console you about the death of your mother, and she’ll offer to tell you a story about her father. Your responses to Aveline will earn you some friendship or rivalry points with her:
- In your first response, if you say “This was your fault, Captain,” then you’ll gain rivalry points.
- In your second response, if you say “Yes” or “Thank you, but no,” then you’ll gain friendship points. Otherwise, you’ll gain rivalry points.
You won’t receive any xp for completing this quest.
The Lost Patrol
You’ll receive this quest from the qunari standing next to the qunari compound at the Docks (during the day).
The qunari will tell you that a patrol recently went missing on the Wounded Coast, and while he won’t ask you to look for it, the quest will update with that objective anyway. You’ll find the remains of the patrol — with some shades and an abomination standing over it — on the southern side of the Wounded Coast. After defeating the enemies, when you return to the qunari to tell him what happened, he’ll reward you with the greatsword
Binky’s Comfort, plus 1 sovereign and 750 xp.
The Lowdown
You’ll trigger this quest once you’ve killed enough (usually four to six) groups of Undercut Thrifters at the Docks at night.
Note: You might need to kill a lone Thrifter on the southern side of the Docks to get more groups to spawn.
When you trigger the quest, you’ll learn that the Thrifters have their base on the eastern side of the Docks (at night). Inside, you’ll have to defeat a bunch of Thrifters, plus their boss “Kanky” Hammertoe. None of these enemies will drop anything of note, and you might need to wander through the area a couple of times to get all of them to spawn. Afterwards, when you visit A Friend in the Hanged Man tavern at night, you’ll receive 2 sovereigns and 500 xp.
The Midnight Meeting
If you killed the templars in the Act I quest Act of Mercy, then at some point in Act II you’ll receive a message from “a new friend” at your estate in Hightown, and accepting it will trigger the quest.
The message will invite you to a midnight meeting in the Merchants Guild section of Hightown. When you get there, you’ll meet a templar lieutenant who will accuse you of killing Ser Karras. No matter what you say, the lieutenant and the templars with her will attack you. Afterwards, you’ll receive 1 sovereign and 772 xp for completing the quest, and you’ll also find The Tiny Cut (413 of 1000) on the corpse of the templar hunter and Brink-Boaster on the corpse of the lieutenant.
The Shield of the Knight Herself
You’ll trigger this quest when you pick up the Shield of the Knight Herself from a crate in Ser Varnell’s Refuge during the quest Offered and Lost.
When you offer the shield to Aveline in her office in the Viscount’s Keep, she won’t exactly be thrilled. In fact, she’ll accuse you of trying to force Wesley out of her life (and her response will change depending on where Ser Wesley’s Shield ended up). You’ll then get a few ways to respond:
- If you say “Then I’ll take it back” or “It’s just a gift for a friend,” then you’ll gain friendship points with Aveline. Otherwise, you’ll gain rivalry points.
- If you say “Then I’ll take it back” or “I don’t care, just use it,” then the gift will turn into an unrestricted version of the Shield of the Knight Herself. Otherwise, you’ll receive the Aveline-restricted version of the Shield of the Knight Herself.
Regardless of what you say, you’ll receive 250 xp at the end of the quest.
The Starkhaven Longbow
You’ll receive this quest when you loot the gift version of the
Starkhaven Longbow from the Flint Mercenary corpse during the quest Repentance.
When you give the bow to Sebastian in the Chantry, it will turn into the real version of the
Starkhaven Longbow, and Sebastian will equip it. If you tell Sebastian “I wish I could have helped” or “A bow’s better than a family,” then you’ll gain friendship points with him. Otherwise, you’ll gain rivalry points. You won’t receive any xp for completing this quest.
The Tethras Signet Ring
You’ll trigger this quest when you purchase the Signet Ring from Trinkets Emporium in Lowtown (during the day).
When you give the Signet Ring to Varric, you’ll solidify your standing with him. That is, if you’re friends with him then you’ll gain friendship points, and if you’re rivals with him then you’ll gain rivalry points. You won’t receive any xp for completing the quest.
Underground Railroad
If you sided with mages in the quest Act of Mercy, then at the start of Act II you’ll receive a message from Terrie of Starkhaven at your estate in Hightown. Accepting the message will trigger the quest.
In the message, Terrie will thank you for the help you’ve given to apostate mages, and she’ll suggest that you contact Mistress Selby at the Docks (during the day) if you’d like to do more. To complete the quest, you’ll just need to talk to Selby, who will subsequently make her quest board available to you. You won’t receive a reward for doing this.
Varric’s Apology
You’ll automatically receive this quest if Varric betrayed you in the Fade during the quest Night Terrors.
For this quest you’ll need to talk to Varric in his suite in the Hanged Man tavern. If you say “No harm done” or “You say the sweetest things,” then you’ll gain friendship points with him. Otherwise, you’ll gain rivalry points. You won’t receive any xp for completing the quest.
Visit Anders
You’ll automatically receive this quest at the start of Act II.
When you visit with Anders in his clinic in Darktown, he’ll talk about the conflict between mages and templars. Depending on what you’ve said previously (and perhaps which side you’ve supported so far), you can gain friendship points or rivalry points with Anders during this conversation. In general, you’ll gain friendship points if you’re diplomatic or flirtatious, and rivalry points if you’re aggressive. If you select the first aggressive response that comes up, then you’ll end the conversation right away and not change your standing with Anders. You won’t receive any xp for completing this quest.
Wooden Halla
You’ll receive this quest when you purchase the Halla Carving from Master Ilen in the Dalish camp on Sundermount.
When you give the carving to Merrill in her home in Lowtown, you’ll earn friendship or rivalry points with her (depending on whether she is a friend or a rival at the time of the quest). You won’t receive any xp for completing the quest.