Notices of Death – Dragon Age: Origins Quest

This guide will walk you through the “Notices of Death” quest in Dragon Age: Origins. We will go through all the steps to complete this mission.


You’ll receive this quest from the Blackstone Irregulars box inside the Gnawed Noble Tavern in the Denerim Market District.

Notices of Death

For this quest you’ll need to track down four women and let them know that their husbands died while working for the Irregulars. The locations of the women are listed below:

For each woman, you can deliver the news yourself, give her a Letter of Condolence, or allow one of your companions (like Alistair) to break the bad news. It won’t make any difference which you choose. After meeting with all four women, when you return to any Blackstone Irregulars liaison (in Lothering, Redcliffe, or the Denerim Market District), you’ll receive 1 sovereign and 175 xp.

Note: Accepting the quest will give you the Quest-Related codex entry for Blackstone Letter of Condolences.

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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