The Raw Fade – Dragon Age: Origins Location

This guide will walk you through “The Raw Fade”, in Dragon Age: Origins. We will go through how to go through this area, as well as any secrets you can find.


dragon age origins walkthrough thefade therawfade
  1. Niall
  2. Mouse
  3. Disturbing Statue
  4. Essence of Dexterity
  5. Yevena
  6. Essence of Willpower
  7. Twisted Structure


A. Fade portal. This is a one-way portal.

B. Mouse hole.

C. Fade portal.

D. Fade portal. This is a one-way portal.

E. Spirit door.

F. Spirit door.

G. World exit(fade pedestal).

The Raw Fade

When you enter this part of the Fade, you’ll meet Niall (#1), who you might remember hearing about from Owain in the Circle Tower. Niall will tell you that he’s “been wandering these empty, grey spaces for a lifetime,” and that he’s given up all hope of escaping. But if you press him for details, then he’ll tell you about the sloth demon, and about the lesser demons who are protecting it.

There are two things of importance in this part of the Fade:

  • Mouse (#2). After going through the fade portal (Exit A), you’ll find Mouse being attacked by a rage demon. Mouse won’t survive the battle, but before dying he’ll teach you the mouse form, which will allow you to sneak and travel through mouse holes (such as Exit B).
  • Yevena (#5). After going through a spirit door (Exit F), you’ll encounter the demon Yevena and two shades. Yevena is a spellcaster, but she won’t last long if you batter her with the golem form. Killing Yevena will unlock this part of the Fade.

Note: You’ll need to learn spirit form (in The Darkspawn Invasion) to travel through spirit doors.

3 – Disturbing Statue

Clicking on the statue will give you the Magic and Religion codex entry for Beyond the Veil: Spirits and Demons.

4 – Essence of Dexterity

Clicking on the essence will permanently add +1 to your dexterity attribute.

6 – Essence of Willpower

Clicking on the essence will permanently add +1 to your willpower attribute. You’ll need to be in spirit form to use the essence.

7 – Twisted Structure

Clicking on the structure will give you the Magic and Religion codex entry for The Black City.

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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