The Scrolls of Banastor – Dragon Age: Origins Quest

This guide will walk you through the “The Scrolls of Banastor” quest in Dragon Age: Origins. We will go through all the steps to complete this mission.


You can receive this quest from the Mages’ Collective bag in Redcliffe or the Denerim Market District.

The Scrolls of Banastor

For this quest you’ll need to collect some correspondence from “the hated maleficarum Banastor.” You’ll find these Scrolls of Banastor hidden inside piles of ancient texts in the following places:

After collecting all five scrolls, when you deliver them to any of the Mages’ Collective liaisons (at the Lake Calenhad Docks, Redcliffe, or the Denerim Market District), you’ll receive 5 sovereigns and 175 xp.

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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