Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age: Origins/Awakening v1.05 Patch Released

There are a lot of small issues still plaguing Dragon Age: Origins and its standalone Awakening expansion pack, but unfortunately the new v1.05 patch only addresses some DLC authentication and performance issues. And based on some of the “it broke…

30 in 30: BioWare

BioWare is the latest developer to be profiled for CVG’s “30 in 30” series, with the the two-page article providing a brief history lesson for the Canadian company, overviews of two of its three founders, and summaries of three key…

Dragon Age III: What Must Be Done

The editors over at CodeBoX have put together a brief editorial that outlines what they feel are the steps that BioWare must take in order to ensure that Dragon Age III will be successful and a proper installment to the…

Dragon Age: Redemption Web Series, Episode Six

The sixth (and final?) episode of Felicia Day’s Dragon Age: Redemption web series is now available, during which we watch as the heroes finally track down the Saarebas. A battle ensues and one companion is killed:

BioWare Sound Design Video Interview

The Vancouver Film School has uploaded a nearly nine-minute video interview that they recently conducted with BioWare’s Rob Blake, Mark Darrah, Jeremie Voillot, Jordan Ivey, Patrick Biason, Steve Bigras, and Joel Green about the challenging sound design work they’ve done…

Dragon Age: Redemption Web Series, Episode Five

In the fifth episode of Felicia Day’s Dragon Age: Redemption web series, we watch as the previous tavern brawl turns into a bloodbath and learn about the templar companion’s involvement in the mage’s escape. Have at it:

Dragon Age: Redemption Web Series, Episode Four

During the fourth episode of Felicia Day’s Dragon Age: Redemption web series, we watch as the companions escape from their previous predicament before having to deal with some well-armed ruffians in one of Thedas’ seedy taverns.