Complete Your Training (Nature) – Drakensang: The River of Time

This Guide is for a quest in Nadoret for Drakensang: The River of Time. It’s complete with a map, map legend, and overview of the varying points of interest.

drakensang the river of time complete your training nature map

1 – Laurelin
2 – Dangerous Wings
3 – The Beekeeper
4 – Disarming the traps
5 – Slay the Wolf


This is the Complete Your Training quest for Nature type characters (Fighter, Ranger, Spellweaver, Geode, Prospector). You have been sent to Laurelin with an item to recommend you to him. The quest marker will lead you to him via a mushroom gatherer, but you can head straight to him instead, at no Adventure Point loss.

1 – Laurelin

Laurelin’s opening task is Soft Hand, where he requests you gain the trust of his soul creature, the Badger. In this dialog, with sufficient animal lore, you can mention how oneberries should help here for 7AP. Harvesting the oneberries which grow nearby then gains you an extra 20AP. With enough animal lore you can gain his trust for 20AP, whether you have oneberries or not. Do not run to the badger, sneak or walk, as he will run away if you move too fast.

Return to Laurelin to close Soft Hand and gain 120AP and access to your traveling chest, which contains 1x Oneberry Juice and Fables from the Kosh.

2 – Dangerous Wings

Return to Laurelin to start your second step, Dangerous Wingbeat. He teaches you the Survival talent and will ask you to destroy 6 nests, as marked on the map. The badger will accompany you for this quest. Destroy each nest and then kill the fireflies surrounding them. Destroying all 6 nests nets you 20AP.

3 – The Beekeeper

Laurelin also asks you to talk to the Beekeeper. You won’t know where he is, but his assistant near the mill (as you are smashing the 5th nest) will tell you he’s selling honey at the South Gate, netting you 20AP. Talking to the beekeeper nets you 20AP, but you will be banned from the town by harbor master Orbert. Return to Laurelin to close Dangerous Wingbeat and gain 20AP.

4 – Disarming the traps

As you approached Laurelin to close the last quest, you’ll have noticed a pair of trappers running away. Laurelin will teach you the Disarm Traps skill, and then task you to disarm the traps they have set to catch the blood wolf, and then take care of the blood wolf yourself. The badger will again accompany you. You can find the traps on the locations marked on the map. When you disarm the second trap, the two trappers will appear and attack you. Beat one down to low health and they run off. This nets you no AP, but disarming all the traps does net you 20AP.

5 – Slay the Wolf

You will run into Hesindiana Zoltan, who has been sent out to slay the blood wolf. Together you must fight two wolves, one black wolf, one gray wolf and the blood wolf. Slaying them nets you 20AP.

You will automatically be given the quest item “A Letter”, but it is worthwhile to loot the dead men and bullock. It will net you: 1D 5F, 2z Silver Ring, 2x Silver Chain, 2x Horned Helmet, 2x Whetstone, 12x Tin Figure, 2x Perfume, Salty Kosh Bunting Tongues, 7x Small Bale of Cloth, Candle Holder.

Return to Laurelin once both tasks are complete. This will finish Complete Your Training and net you 120AP, and lift your status as banned from Nadoret. Laurelin also gives you an item, depending on your class.

A fighter receives a recipe to construct an Improved Soul Spear, a ranger receives a recipe to construct an Improved Soul Bow, a spellweaver receives a recipe to construct an Improved Soul Knife, the Geode’s Creaking Staff is replaced by a Geode’s Staff, and the Prospector receives Laurelin’s Bow. Laurelin’s Bow is valuable but quite likely of no use to prospectors, and that prospectors already know the two skills Laurelin teaches, it’s pretty clear this class gains the least of all the classes in the Complete Your Training missions.

For nature type characters, this also unlocks Laurelin as a trainer. He can teach you:

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

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