Haunted Ruins – Drakensang: The River of Time

This Guide covers an area in the Elven Forest for Drakensang: The River of Time. It’s complete with a map, map legend, and overview of the varying points of interest.

drakensang the river of time haunted ruins map

1- Dark Amazons
2 – High Door
3 – Room of Confrontation
4 – Chamber of Balance
5 – Room of Dead Footfalls
6 – Undead
7 – Dark Amazons
8 – Dark Amazons
9 – Larys
10 – Leondril Liontongue
11 – Conspicuous Spot
12 – Undead
13 – Undead
14 – Crypt Lice
15 – Undead
16 – Elaborate Chest
17 – Hidden Treasure
18 – Undead
19 – Interesting Chest
20 – The Sinister Sisters
21 – Archon Megalon


  1. Exit to Elven Forest.
  2. Exit to Lower Level.


After the elves take Ardo into their care, they will tell you they can not cure him until the evil plaguing the area has been removed. The Haunted Ruins quest leads you to defeat this evil, get Ardo’s cure and complete several subquests.

Before you enter the ruins Archon Megalon (pick pocketing note: Archon carries the fairly valuable Archon’s Book) appears to offer you a trade: he will give you ducats and goods for any sealstones you keep after defeating Zant in the lower levels of the Bosparian Ruins. See Zant for more details.

1- Dark Amazons

Five dark amazons. They killed the elven guard and will attack you. Amongst other things, looting this group will net you the Amazon Saber, Kurkumian Amazon Helmet, Kurkumian Plated Boots and Kurkumian Amazon Armor.

2 – High Door

Gather the three missing turnstones for this door at #3, #4 and #5, then finish the puzzle by turning the pieces to show their sun, warrior, river and wind symbols, in that order. This nets you 50AP.

When you return with all three missing turnstones, the door will be guarded by a dark amazon leader, three dark amazons and a dark amazon archer, who will attack you. Defeating them gets you 50AP, plus the dark amazon leader is carrying Kurkumian Arm Greaves and a Kurkumian Amazon Shield.

3 – Room of Confrontation

Seven dark amazons attack as soon as you approach. When you defeat the last of them you get the turnstone and 50AP. Whatever puzzle was here, they already solved it.

4 – Chamber of Balance

A mathematics puzzle. The solution is:
1st chest: 4 iron 2 lead
2nd chest: 5 iron 8 lead
3rd chest: 1 iron 4 lead
4th chest: 3 iron 6 lead

Archon Megalon will offer to solve the puzzle for you, but if you solve it yourself and pick up the turnstone for 50AP.

5 – Room of Dead Footfalls

Another puzzle to get a turnstone. The skeleton across the pit mirrors your movement. You have to get him safely across, and some of the tiles are trapped (you should be able to detect them if you stand near the spikes).

Start on the southwest corner. Then go: up, up, up, left, left, down, left, down, left. When you step on the first down tile a skeleton mage and three skeletons appear to distract you. Let the rest of the party deal with them. Do not rush or you may lead the skeleton onto a trap. Take the keystone from the chest for 50AP.

6 – Undead

A skeleton mage and two skeletons rise up to attack you. There is a trap in the middle of the room.

7 – Dark Amazons

Four dark amazons and a dark amazon archer attack you.

8 – Dark Amazons

Four dark amazons attack you.

9 – Larys

She can start the quest Free the Spirit. You can fight her alone here, otherwise she will appear with four dark amazons and attack you just before you finish the quest. Either way she drops the Saber of the Lioness amongst other loot.

10 – Leondril Liontongue

The spirit of a priestess of Rondra. She needs to be released, and to do so her sword, amulet and bones must be returned to her crypt. You can find the amulet and bones in the Elven Forest (#9), and the sword at #11. Finding them all nets you 20AP.

When you return with the four pieces you can talk to the spirit and tell her you’re keeping the items, but this fails the quest and you get to keep them anyway. Putting all the items in the sacrophagus nets you 20AP, the Rondracomb of the Lioness and the Amulet of Rondra.

11 – Conspicuous Spot

At the base of the giant head you will find the Rondracomb of the Lioness, one of the pieces for Free the Spirit.

12 – Undead

Four skeletons rise up and attack you. The northern door is trapped.

13 – Undead

Four skeletons and a skeleton mage rise up to attack you. There is a trap right at the entrance.

The room contains a locked and trapped chest that contains one part of the Bosparian Recipe. There are five parts in total, identifying each is worth 20AP. When you have all five pieces, you can trade it to Master Brookbeard in Nadoret for Instructions to make Incendiary Arrows, Incendiary Bolts or Incendiary Bullets and a final 20AP.

14 – Crypt Lice

Six crypt lice inhabit this room.

15 – Undead

Five skeletons rise up and attack you. The entrance to this hallway is trapped.

16 – Elaborate Chest

A chest that contains one part of the Bosparian Recipe. There are five parts in total, identifying each is worth 20AP. When you have all five pieces, you can trade it to Master Brookbeard in Nadoret for Instructions to make Incendiary Arrows, Incendiary Bolts or Incendiary Bullets and a final 20AP.

17 – Hidden Treasure

Behind a hidden door is a locked chest that contains the Keenblade as well as 48 bronze coins and 8 rare coins. The room also contains a locked and trapped elaborate chest that contains one part of the Bosparian Recipe. There are five parts in total, identifying each is worth 20AP. When you have all five pieces, you can trade it to Master Brookbeard in Nadoret for Instructions to make Incendiary Arrows, Incendiary Bolts or Incendiary Bullets and a final 20AP.

18 – Undead

Four skeletons stand guard here. There is a trap at the bottom of the stairs.

19 – Interesting Chest

A locked and trapped chest containing Remedy for Morning Thorn and Recipe for Mire Beast Healing Tincture. Picking these up nets you 20AP.

20 – The Sinister Sisters

These two statues are the cause of the evil influence in the region (at least, together with Zant the demon). Destroy them both. Four skeletons will attack you at the beginning and the statues will summon skeletons and skeleton mages until they are destroyed. Both foreboding demonic statues have 500VI. They have low RS and can be attacked by any means. The destruction of each statue nets you 50AP, and destroying them both nets you a bonus 100AP.

21 – Archon Megalon

Archon Megalon opens this door once you’ve defeated the Sisters. He has been watching your progress and is impressed.


  1. Exit to Elven Forest.
  2. Exit to Lower Level.
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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

Articles: 2271

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