In Search of the Crown of Raul – Drakensang: The River of Time

This Guide is for a quest in Nadoret Castle of Drakensang: The River of Time. It’s complete with a map, map legend, and overview of the varying points of interest.

drakensang the river of time in search of the crown of raul map

1 – Valet Wendel
2 – Hidden Treasure
3 – Great Hall
4 – Baron Dajin of Nadoret
5 – Prison
6 – Guards
7 – Dogs
8 – Guards
9 – Guards
10 – Harpies
11 – Mora
12 – Erlund of Olming and Bowmistress Keen
13 – Treasury Door
14 – Treasury


  1. To parapet.
  2. Secret entrance to treasure room.


As you enter the wine cellar of Nadoret Castle, after completing In Disguise by whatever means, you gain 100AP. Ardo suggests getting out of the tabards if you haven’t already.

1 – Valet Wendel

Brewin Wendel catches you as you’re leaving the wine cellar. The dialog choices here might seem like they’re relevant, but they’re not, whatever you choose to say Ardo takes Wendel – an old friend – into his confidence, and you are caught by two guards who you will have to dispatch. After that, you can make your way to the Great Hall. No stealth is necessary at any point, you will not be caught.

2 – Hidden Treasure

Behind a locked door you will find a locked chest containing 15D 6T 9F, Potion of Will, 3x Magic Potion, Ring of Endurance, Ring of Astral Accumulation.

3 – Great Hall

The baron Dajin is not here yet. Ardo suggests to rile up the crowd to get him to come out. Before you do that, be sure to talk to the guests and, if there is a rogue in your currenty party, to rummage through their pockets.

Most of the guests provide flavor text. The only one you specifically need to talk to is Mina of the Mountain. She’ll share her opinion on Rakorium, Trewman, Enno and Malgora. Share her opinion with them to get Dajin to appear, who will then bring in Mora, his…prize cow? Talk to him and follow him to #4.

Pick pocketing notes: Countess Malgora del Incendio carries 6D 3T 7F. Squire Trewman carries 6D 3T and a Gold Ring. Nottel carries 1D 2T 6F, 2x Lozenges of Combat Exhaustion, 2x Healing Potion. Mina of the Mountains carries 26D 2T 7F.

4 – Baron Dajin of Nadoret

Here it turns out that Ardo’s master plan of just walking into the castle and loudly announcing who you are is not that smart, as Dajin orders his men to imprison you. What’s worse, Ardo refuses to fight as it would besmirch his honor, so the entiry party is forcibly thrown into the baron’s dungeon.

5 – Prison

All your equipment is taken away, and each characters has only a Linen Shirt and Sandals. Pick up the Fish and Stinking Fish from the fish bucket and use them to arm the group with, then have Ardo lure the guard. Defeat the lone jailor for his cell key. He is also carrying a Mace.

6 – Guards

Two more guardsmen. One of them is carrying a Longsword.

7 – Dogs

Four wardogs. After you have rescued Mora, you must return to this point, kill the dogs and leave through the secret entrance at the back.

8 – Guards

Three guards, one of whom is carrying a Twohander, and another one another Longsword. No sign of Mora yet.

9 – Guards

Four guards. When you kill them all they drop the key to the castle walls, which opens up the tower cell (through exit A). They also guard four chests containing all your equipment.

10 – Harpies

Six harpies fly in and attack you.

11 – Mora

Finally, you have found Mora. Obviously, she does not have the crown anymore, as she herself is held captive by Dajin as a trophy wife. Freeing her nets you 50AP, and she will lead you to the treasury (exit B, through the dog kennel at #7).

12 – Erlund of Olming and Bowmistress Keen

If you did not kill them during the In Disguise quest (by opting for the violent path), Erlund and Keen await you here with six mercenaries to try to stop you. They net you 20AP apiece when you kill them. Furthermore, they drop 10D 6T 5F, 7x Venom Sac, 83x Bolt, Weapon Balm, Diamond Wetstone, Ornate Plated Boots.

13 – Treasury Door

The treasure door is a puzzle. Click the central part so you can move the four parts surrounding it. The object is to recreate the image in the center on the outside parts. Essentially, it should look like the image below. If you do not solve it quick enough, Mora offers to do it for you. You get no AP either way.

drakensang river of time treasury door

14 – Treasury

The crown is not here, and you are invited to join the badguys upstairs. Before you do so, loot the treasure room. You will find a three chests (two locked) containing 59D 7T 2F, 2x Gold Chain, Amulet of Courage, Amulet of Constitution, Ring of Agility, Courtly Atire, Almadian Satin Dress, 4x Elixer of Intuition, 4x Elixer of Cleverness, 10x Healing Potion, 6x Burn Salve, 2x Magic Potion, Light Plate Armor, Gauntlets, Heavy Greaves, Shoulder Plates, Plated Shoes, Studded Leather Pants.

Continue onwards to the Last StepsExits:

  1. To parapet.
  2. Secret entrance to treasure room.
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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

Articles: 2271

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