Ferdok (Chapter 6) – Drakensang: The Dark Eye Location

This guide is an overview of a certain area from Chapter 6 in Drakensang: The Dark Eye. In it, you’ll find a map, legend, and overview of the points of interest.

overview 6 ferdok

1 – Temple of Hesinde
2 – Laurelin
3 – Ardo’s Residence
4 – Laran Dykemiller
5 – Nasreddin
6 – Pagol Babek
7 – The Golden Lance
8 – Temple of Rondra
9 – Gerlin


1 – Temple of Hesinde

This is where you’ll start in the chapter.

2 – Laurelin

You’ll meet an elf named Laurelin here (#2). He’ll sell you some Bowyer items, including recipes. He’ll also teach you several talents: A Helpful Paw, Aimed Shot, Balm of Healing, Bow, Bowyer, Dodge I, Dodge II, Elfenword Silkenspeech, Hawkeye Marksmanship, Ice Cold Warrior, Marksman, Meek You Be, Rain of Arrows, See True and Pure, Sleep of a Thousand Sheep, and Thunderbolt.

If you have an elf in your party, or if you have a character with a prowess of at least 12 in Bowyer, and if you use that character to talk to Laurelin, then Laurelin will also give you the quest “The Elven Trainer’s Order.”

Laurelin will tell you that a shipment of Tiik Tok Wood from Maraskan is late in arriving, and he’ll ask you to go to Ugdan Harbor to find out what’s holding it up. When you get there (#2a), you’ll learn that a giant crab ate the shipment, and that to get it back you’ll need to kill the crab. You’ll receive 10 experience points for completing this step in the quest.

The giant crab is tough. It has good damage resistance, and it’ll probably wound you with its attacks. So be sure to buff up your party before attacking it. When the crab dies, you’ll receive 10 experience points, and you’ll automatically pick up the shipment of Tiik Tok Wood. Then when you deliver the shipment to Laurelin, he’ll allow you to keep some of the wood, and he’ll give you Instructions for Tiik Tok Longbow. You’ll also receive 10 experience points.

3 – Ardo’s Residence

When you enter the residence, you’ll meet up with Aydan, an Amazon and a follower of Rondra, just like Rhulana. Aydan and Rhulana will then explain how they’ve been tracking some Mactaleanata (aka Black Amazons), who are responsible for “the tragic fall of Kurkum,” and who are trying to “exterminate the last remaining pockets of worshippers of Rondra.” If you agree to help them out, then you’ll trigger the quest “The Mactaleanata.”

Aydan will tell you that some Black Amazons are hiding out in the Golden Lance tavern in the Ducal Citadel (#6). Only you and Rhulana will be allowed to join up with Aydan to confront them, but when you enter the tavern (by talking to Aydan in front of the Temple of Rondra, #7) Aydan will reveal herself to be a traitor, and you and Rhulana will have to fight four amazons on your own.

This can be a tough fight, so be sure to buff up before going into the tavern, and also make sure that you and Rhulana have a supply of potions on you, just in case. It’s also a good idea to take down the basic amazons first and save Aydan for last. In all, you’ll receive 110 experience points for completing the battle, and you’ll find a whole bunch of good amazon gear (including an Amazon Saber and full sets of Mactaleanatan and Kurkumian armor) on Aydan and the chest in the tavern. When you loot the chest, you’ll receive 20 more experience points, and the quest will come to an end.

4 – Laran Dykemiller

If you joined the Stoerrebrandt Trading Company, then Dykemiller will have some new quests for you. See the Stoerrebrandt version of For a Handful of Ducats for more information.

Standing near Dykemiller, you’ll also meet a Neisbeck worker who will attempt to recruit you to the Neisbecks. He’ll start off by offering you 20 ducats, but if you have enough prowess in Haggle, then you’ll be able to increase his offer to 100 ducats. If you accept the worker’s offer, then you’ll switch to the Neisbeck version of For a Handful of Ducats, starting with their Chapter 6 quests.

5 – Nasreddin

After speaking with Gerlin (#9), Nasreddin will become available as a companion. It’ll just cost you 200 ducats to hire him.

6 – Pagol Babek

If you joined the Neisbeck Trading Company, then Babek will have some new quests for you. See the Neisbeck version of For a Handful of Ducats for more information.

Standing near Babek, you’ll also meet a Stoerrebrandt worker who will attempt to recruit you to the Stoerrebrandts. He’ll start off by offering you 20 ducats, but if you have enough prowess in Haggle, then you’ll be able to increase his offer to 100 ducats. If you accept the worker’s offer, then you’ll switch to the Stoerrebrandt version of For a Handful of Ducats, starting with their Chapter 6 quests.

7 – The Golden Lance

8 – Temple of Rondra

9 – Gerlin

You’ll need to talk to Gerlin for the quest The Dragon’s Eye.

Pick Pocketing Note: Gerlin will drop a Locksmith Knife and an Amulet of Rondra.

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

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