Miscellaneous Ferdok – Drakensang: The Dark Eye Location

This guide is an overview of a certain area from Chapter 3 in Drakensang: The Dark Eye. In it, you’ll find a map, legend, and overview of the points of interest.

overview 3 miscferdok

1 – Ardo’s Residence
2 – Dwarven Triplets
3 – Salina and Hamlok
4 – Temple of Hesinde
5 – Firnjan and Fluffy
6 – Beggar
7 – The Serene Sow
8 – Guild of Thieves
9 – Moddlemush
10 – Laran Dykemiller
11 – Fleet Footed Ferret
12 – Pagel Babek


  • A – Path between Praios Square and Ugdan Harbor.
  • B – Exit to the Ducal Citadel.
  • C – Path between Praios Square and Wagoner’s Home.
  • D – Path between Wagoner’s Home and Ugdan Harbor.
  • W – World exit.


1 – Ardo’s Residence

The first time you enter the residence, you’ll complete the quest “The House,” and you’ll earn 20 experience points. The residence’s caretaker Muddlemosh will also give you a letter from Rakorium, which will trigger the quest Preparation for the Dragon Quest.

Otherwise, you’ll be able to use the residence as your base of operations. Inside you’ll find lots of containers where you can safely store your excess equipment, a garden where you can pick herbs, and a couple of rooms that you won’t be able to get into yet. The house is also where your companions will wait for you when they’re not in your party.

2 – Dwarven Triplets

This is where the dwarven triplets will relocate after your meeting with them in the Ducal Citadel. You won’t be able to do anything with them here.

3 – Salina and Hamlok

Salina and Hamlok won’t appear here until after you’ve visited Ardo’s residence (#1). At that point, Salina will tell you that she heard about Dranor’s arrest, and she’ll ask you to break him out of prison. This is covered in the quest entry for Salina’s Request.

4 – Temple of Hesinde

The temple will be open now. You’ll need to visit it for the quest Preparation for the Dragon Quest.

5 – Firnjan and Fluffy

You’ll witness Firnjan the Bearmaster trying to convince Fluffy the Dancing Bear to come back to him — without success. If you offer to help him out, then you’ll trigger the quest “The Escaped Dancing Bear.”

To complete the quest, you’ll need to calm down Fluffy. There are two ways to do this. If you have a character in your party with a prowess of at least 12 in Animal Lore, then just talking to Fluffy will do the trick. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait until you have a character who can cast Meek You Be on Fluffy.

If you use Animal Lore to soothe Fluffy, then you’ll receive 35 experience points as your reward. If you use Meek You Be, then you’ll only receive 30 experience points. Firnjan won’t really give you a reward, other than to thank you.

6 – Beggar

You’ll meet a beggar here (#6). If you give him a farthing, then he’ll begin following you around, asking for more. If you then give him a thaler and a farthing (or more), then he’ll tell you about two thieves in the area. This will trigger the quest “A Charitable Donation.”

You’ll find the thieves to the west (#6a). If you can stay close to them but not too close, then they’ll lead you to the loot from their last job (#6b), which will include a lot of jewelry items. You’ll also receive 20 experience points during the quest. You won’t be able to catch or report the thieves.

Note: If you get too close to the thieves four times, then they’ll run away and you’ll fail the quest.

7 – The Serene Sow

When you enter the tavern, Innkeeper Soapstone will come up to you and tell you that two of his patrons are preparing to start a brawl. If you agree to help him out, then you’ll trigger the quest “The Bar Brawl.”

You’ll find the two rowdy patrons in the back of the tavern. If you convince them to leave using dialogue, then you’ll gain 15 experience points. If you attack them and convince them to leave that way, then you’ll only gain 10 experience points. The innkeeper won’t give you a reward for your work.

8 – Guild of Thieves

Assuming that you’re a member of the Guild of Thieves, then Cano the thief guildmaster will give you the quest A Question of Honor.

9 – Moddlemush

Moddlemush will appear here after you’ve spoken to Salina (#3). He’ll give you the quest The Plague of Rats. He’ll also let you into the brewery so you can complete the quest Salina’s Request.

10 – Laran Dykemiller

Dykemiller is the foreman for the Stoerrebrandt Trading Company. You’ll need to accept a quest from him or Pagel Babek (#12) for the quest Investigations at the Harbor.

11 – Fleet Footed Ferret

If you talk to Innkeeper Pebblebush inside the tavern, then he’ll give you the quest The Dine-and-Dasher.

12 – Pagel Babek

Babek is the foreman for the Neisbeck Trading Company. You’ll need to accept a quest from him or Laran Dykemiller (#10) for the quest Investigations at the Harbor.

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

Articles: 2271

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