Suspicion Falls on a Friend – Drakensang: The Dark Eye Quest

In this guide, you will find a map, legend, and walkthrough for the respective quest in Chapter 8 of Drakensang: The Dark Eye.


1 – Temple
2 – Throne Room
3 – Tavern
4 – Salina’s Room
5 – Dornax
6 – Beer Storeroom
7 – Grazima’s Storage
8 – Mine Accident


You’ll receive this quest at the end of the quest The Poisoning of Xolgorax, when you deliver the Glautamash Mushroom to Lugosh at the temple (#1).


Lugosh will tell you that “a female Bigling who recently arrived in Murolosh” has been arrested for poisoning Xolgorax. When you arrive in the throne room (#2), you’ll learn that the accused is none other than your old friend Salina, and you’ll quickly offer to take up her defense. For completing this step in the quest you’ll receive 10 experience points.

King Arombolosh will accuse Salina of poisoning Xolgorax, of stealing an artifact from the vaults, and of sabotaging the mines. To prove that Salina is innocent of these charges, you’ll need to question a lot of people and complete a few quests. To start off, you should talk to Salina in the throne room. She’ll trigger the quest The Witness, and she’ll ask you to take a close look at Aldessia. “I don’t like the way she grinned when the guards came to arrest me.”

The Investigation

You’ll find eight pieces of evidence scattered around Murolosh. You’ll need to find at least five of them to start the trial and prove that Salina is innocent (or not). The evidence locations are listed below:

  • A Strand of Red Hair. At the end of the quest The Poisoned Beer, you’ll find some Red Hairs on Xolgorax’s Beer Keg (#6). Since Salina doesn’t have red hair, the evidence will help clear her of the poisoning.

  • Aldessia Disappears. If you ask Dornax the Weaponer (#5) about Aldessia, then he’ll eventually reveal that “she always seems to be off exploring some caves.” Dornax will then give you Dornax’s Testimony, and you’ll receive 30 experience points.

  • Aldessia’s Curiousity. After gaining Dornax’s Testimony, when you talk to Lugosh at the temple (#1), he’ll mention that Aldessia seemed to be interested in the artifacts buried beneath Murolosh. Lugosh will then give you Lugosh’s Testimony, and you’ll receive 30 experience points.

  • The Alibi. By completing the quest The Witness (#3), you’ll receive Krimbart’s Testimony, which will state that Salina wasn’t in the mines when the sabotage took place there.

  • The Burglary. Outside of Salina’s room (#4) you’ll meet a dwarf named Shrobosh. If you heal him (using the Treat Wounds talent, the Balm of Healing spell, or a potion) then he’ll tell you that he witnessed somebody breaking into Salina’s room, and he’ll write down what he saw in Schrobosh’s Testimony. For gaining this testimony you’ll receive 30 experience points.

  • The Juggling Ball. When you leave the throne room after talking to Salina, Hogmash the door guard will stop you and tell you that glass from one of Salina’s juggling balls was found in the vault where the artifact was stolen. If you ask Salina about this, then she’ll recognize the glass, but she’ll claim that she broke the ball that it went to some time ago, when she was accosted by the guards. If you then go to the tavern (#3) and talk to Argmar Guard, he’ll confirm the story, and he’ll give you Argmar’s Testimony. You’ll also receive 30 experience points.

  • The Khom Connection. While exterminating an infestation of crypt lice for Grazima in the quest The Plague of Lice (#7), you’ll find a bottle of Yellow Fluid on the ground. Picking it up will trigger the quest The Yellow Liquid, where you’ll learn that the Yellow Fluid is actually Lice Bait, an essence that only found in the Khom Desert. By coincidence, Khom is where Aldessia is from.

    The Scrap of Cloth. At the end of the quest The Collapsed Tunnel (#8), you’ll receive some Scraps of Material, which will implicate Salina in the mine sabotage. However, by also completing the quest The Scrap of Cloth, you’ll learn that somebody cut the scrap out of Salina’s Dress and planted it in the mine.

The Trial

To start the trial, you’ll need to approach King Arombolosh in the throne room (#2) after collecting at least five pieces of evidence. The king will outline his case against Salina, and after each point you’ll just need to present some evidence or make a counter-argument. The trial shouldn’t be too complicated. If you collected all eight pieces of evidence then you’ll have to try hard not to win.

If you win the trial, then you’ll gain 100 experience points, and King Arombolosh will decide to arrest Aldessia. If you lose the trial, then you won’t gain any experience points, but Grimbeard will come up to you afterwards and reveal a plan for breaking Salina out of prison. This is covered in the quest Salina’s Rescue. Both branches will eventually converge at the quest Aldessia, where you’ll get to confront Aldessia for her crimes.

“Murolosh has never seen the likes of one so wise and just as you. I swear by almighty Angrosh’s all-seeing eye, the Mountebank is innocent!”

Note: Afterwards, if you visit Salina in the tavern (#3), she’ll give you a Ring of Life.

1 – Temple

2 – Throne Room

3 – Tavern

4 – Salina’s Room

5 – Dornax

6 – Beer Storeroom

7 – Grazima’s Storage

8 – Mine Accident

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

Articles: 2271

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