The Guild of Thieves Obstacle Course – Drakensang: The Dark Eye Quest

In this guide, you will find a map, legend, and walkthrough for the respective quest in Chapter 2 of Drakensang: The Dark Eye.


1 – Debero
2 – Cano
3 – Locked Door
4 – Thief
5 – Secret Door


  1. Entrance to the Vault Cellar.
  2. Secret passage between the two levels of the Vault Cellar.


You’ll receive this quest from Cano in the Thieves Guild (#2). To enter the Thieves Guild, you’ll need to know the password, which you should have learned during the quest The Examination.


If you ask Cano about “fun and games,” then he’ll mention that he has a course set up to “test our skills and keep our fingers nimble.” What you’ll need to do is collect the nine Golden Guild of Thieves Emblems located in the course and bring them back to Cano. You’ll need rogue skills for this, so if you’re not a rogue yourself, then you’ll need to wait until you have Dranor or Gladys with you.

To start out, you’ll need to acquire the Key to the Guild of Thieves Initiation Compound. You’ll find it in the locked chest next to Cano. Picking up the key will net you 20 experience points. You’ll need the key to unlock the door to the north (#3).

On the course itself, most of the emblems will be in locked chests ($) of increasing difficulty (from 1 to 14). One emblem will be on a thief (#4), and you’ll have to sneak up on him and rob him to get it. If you have trouble with the chests, then buy some Lockpicks from Cano. If you have trouble with the thief, then buy the Finger Blade from Cano. You can also just come back later after you’ve had a chance to improve your skills.

After collecting the nine emblems, when you bring them to Cano, he won’t give you a reward. Instead, he’ll just promise you some future work. You’ll also receive 19 experience points.

Note: For a real challenge, try pick pocketing Cano. He has a difficulty of 18, but if you can manage it then you’ll receive 50 ducats plus a Ring of Phex and a Ring of Agility. You’ll need an Arcane Lore of 7 to identify the rings.

1 – Debero

When you tell Debero the password, he’ll open up the secret door leading to the lower level (Exit B).

2 – Cano

3 – Locked Door

4 – Thief

5 – Secret Door

When you loot the chest ($) just to the west, this secret door will open, giving you an easy route back to Cano (#2).

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

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