An Elven Shrine – Dungeon Siege II Location

This guide will walk you through “An Elven Shrine” in Dungeon Siege II. We will point out any secrets and points of interest in this location.


dungeon siege ii anelvenshrine
  1. Sanctuary Door
  2. Secret Door
  3. Secret Door
  4. Sanctuary Door
  5. Battle
  6. Lectern
  7. Shrine of Healing Water
  8. Locked Door


  1. Exit to the Western Greilyn Jungle.
  2. Elevator between levels 1 and 2.
  3. Elevator between levels 2 and 3.
  4. Elevator between levels 3 and 4.
  5. Elevator between levels 2 and 4. Right next to this elevator (on level 2), you’ll find the Lost Sapphire of the Elves (Quest Item 8), the lesser chant of fighter power (Chant 10), the lesser chant of mage power (Chant 11), and the lesser chant of ranger power (Chant 13).

An Elven Shrine

1 – Sanctuary Door

The door requires Ranged 6 to open.

2 – Secret Door

The door will only open after you’ve entered the room behind it via Exit E.

3 – Secret Door

The door can be opened by pressing the button on the wall next to it. Beyond the door you’ll find the part of the shrine related to the quest Secrets of the Elven Shrine. See that section for a more detailed description of the area.

4 – Sanctuary Door

You’ll need Nature Magic 6 to open this door.

5 – Battle

You’ll face three elite Hak’u here. Once they’re dead, you’ll be able to open the door to the south (#5a).

6 – Lectern

On the lectern here, you’ll find the lesser chant of prosperity (Chant 12).

8 – Locked Door

The door will only open after you’ve collected water from the nearby fountain (#7).

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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