Morden Ravagers – Dungeon Siege II Quest

This guide will walk you through the “Morden Ravagers” quest in Dungeon Siege II’s Broken World Expansion. We will go through all the steps to complete quest.


dungeon siege ii mordenravagers
  1. Front Gate of the Ravager Camp
  2. Main Part of the Ravager Camp
  3. Vial of the Overmage’s Blood


You’ll receive this quest when you reach the front gate of the Ravager Camp in the Kelvaran Waste (#1).

Morden Ravagers

The first thing you’ll need to do in this quest is find the main part of the camp (#2), which should be pretty easy since there’s only one way you can go from the front gate. Then at the back of the camp (#3), you’ll find a Vial of the Overmage’s Blood (Quest Item 16) sitting out in plain sight — but guarded by several Morden, of course. Picking up the vial will complete the quest.

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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