The Blighted Hills – Dungeon Siege II Location

This guide will walk you through the “Dryad Outpost” in Dungeon Siege II’s Broken World expansion. We will point out any secrets and points of interest in this location.


dungeon siege ii theblightedhills
  1. Guarded Door
  2. Magically-Sealed Door
  3. Recipe
  4. Kanred the Rogue Mage
  5. A Dank Crevasse


  1. Path to the Blasted Valley.
  2. Path to the Kelvaran Waste.

The Blighted Hills

1 – Guarded Door

The guardian statue outside the door won’t let you pass until you’ve learned the password, which won’t happen until after you’ve completed the primary quest The Mage’s Tutor.

2 – Magically-Sealed Door

You won’t be able to go through this door until after completing the primary quest Kanred the Mage.

3 – Recipe

You’ll find the recipe for the Robe of the Frozen North lying on the ground here.

4 – Kanred the Rogue Mage

You’ll need to kill Kanred for the primary quest Kanred the Mage.

5 – A Dank Crevasse

You won’t find much here in the Mercenary difficulty setting, but in the Veteran setting you’ll find a Superior Ancient Agallan Tablet in one of the chests in the back of the cave. You can exchange the tablet at the Dryad Outpost for a powerful item.

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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