Zaramoth’s Horns (Part One) – Dungeon Siege II Location

This guide will walk you through the first part of “Zaramoth’s Horns” in Dungeon Siege II. We will point out any secrets and points of interest in this location.


dungeon siege ii zaramothshornsone
  1. Eyes of Zaramoth
  2. Agallan Obelisk
  3. Sanctuary Door
  4. Sanctuary Door
  5. Lectern
  6. Sanctuary Door
  7. Sanctuary Door


  1. Portal to the Agallan Peaks.
  2. Elevator.
  3. Elevator.
  4. Elevator.
  5. Elevator.
  6. Elevator.
  7. Elevator.
  8. Stairs to Zaramoth’s Horns (Part Two).

Zaramoth’s Horns (Part One)

1 – Eyes of Zaramoth

These contraptions are actually weapons. If you attack them and do enough damage, they’ll shoot out a powerful laser. But be careful; they can hurt you as well as your enemies.

2 – Agallan Obelisk

If you click on the obelisk, you’ll become immune to damage for 30 seconds.

3 – Sanctuary Door

The door requires a character with Ranged 35. In the room beyond, you’ll find the greater chant of ranged skill (Chant 72).

4 – Sanctuary Door

The door requires a character with Melee 35. In the room beyond, you’ll find the greater chant of melee skill (Chant 71).

5 – Lectern

On the lectern, you’ll find the chant of power (Chant 73).

6 – Sanctuary Door

The door requires a character with Nature Magic 35. In the room beyond, you’ll find the greater chant of magic skill (Chant 70).

7 – Sanctuary Door

The door requires a character with Combat Magic 35. In the room beyond, you’ll find the greater chant of magic skill (Chant 70).

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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