Map of the Past – Dungeon Siege III Side Quest

This guide provides a walkthrough for a Treasures of the Sun expansion side quest of Dungeon Siege III. Along with the walkthrough is a map and legend, which provides additional information.


1 – Digglefitz
2 – Temple Entrance
3 – Placards
4 – Book
5 – Keystone Altar
6 – Locked Room
X – Save Point


An archaeologist called Digglefitz is looking for the Chronicle of the Devout, a history of the religious community in the desert. He asked you to retrieve the tome, which is hidden in an abandoned temple.


You’ll receive this quest from Digglefitz just outside the temple (#1).

Travel to the Temple

You’ll complete this objective when you enter the temple (#2).

Find the Keystone Altar

You’ll find the keystone altar in the northern part of the temple (#5). If you pick up the quill at the altar, then you’ll start taking the test required for acquiring the keystone, but you won’t be able to answer the questions correctly unless you’ve already found the clues in the temple (#3). If you get an answer wrong, then you’ll get hit with some flames.

Search for Clues / Look for Additional Clues / Find the Remaining Clue

You’ll find three clues in the temple, two on placards (#3) and one in a book (#4).

Obtain the Keystone

After obtaining the clues, when you take the test (#5), you’ll automatically respond with the correct answers. Each correct answer will remove a wall of flames, and afterwards you’ll be able to walk up to the keystone and take it.

Retrieve the Chronicle of the Devout

The keystone will unlock a room to the south (#6). Inside, you’ll find the chronicle sitting out on a pedestal, but when you pick it up, you’ll get attacked by a Jade Gargoyle. The gargoyle will do a lot of damage and also regenerate its health quickly, so you’ll need to hit it with your best abilities and take it down right away (if you try to dodge around it, then you won’t get anywhere). It’s also a good idea to position the gargoyle so it’s only facing you or your companion, and not both. When the gargoyle dies, it will drop a Greenstone Talisman.

Return to Digglefitz

When you return to Digglefitz, he’ll reward you with 1535 xp and roughly 3000 coins.

1 – Digglefitz

2 – Temple Entrance

3 – Placards

4 – Book

5 – Keystone Altar

6 – Locked Room

X – Save Point

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

Articles: 2271

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