Dungeon Siege III

Dungeon Siege III Reviews

We have rounded up a few new reviews for Square Enix and Obsidian Entertainment’s hack’n’slash Dungeon Siege III, consistent in tone with the critiques published so far. RPGamer, 3.0 Overall, Dungeon Siege III is solid dungeon crawler that does many…

Dungeon Siege III Podcast Interview

Gaming website Classic L33T had the chance to have a chat with Dungeon Siege III’s project director Rich Taylor for one of their podcasts. The interview starts around 28:14 starts with the project director’s background and his experience working at…

Dungeon Siege III Reviews

Today being the 4th of July doesn’t mean that the press stopped reviewing Square Enix and Obsidian’s first attempt at the hack’n’slash genre, Dungeon Siege III, nor that the title is going to get a less mixed reception. Gamer Euphoria,…

Dungeon Siege III Reviews

We have rounded up a few new reviews for Square Enix and Obsidian Entertainment’s hack’n’slash Dungeon Siege III for your reading pleasure. Hollywood Chicago, 4.0 (Dungeon Siege III) has obvious flaws to RPG fans or otherwise but it’s playable and…

Dungeon Siege III Reviews

We have rounded up a new batch of reviews for Square Enix and Obsidian Entertainment’s Dungeon Siege III, and at this point the fact that the hack’n’slash keeps receiving mixed impressions from the press is not news at all. 1UP,…

Dungeon Siege III Reviews

We have rounded up another batch of reviews for Square Enix and Obsidian Entertainment’s attempt at resurrecting the Dungeon Siege franchise, Dungeon Siege III, although whether the attempt was successful or not is to anyone’s guess judging by the mixed…

Dungeon Siege III Reviews

The flood of reviews for Obsidian Entertainment’s first attempt at the hack’n’slash genre doesn’t seem to be anywhere close to dying down, and we’ve rounded up some new critiques for Dungeon Siege III. Psychobuttons, 4/5 (which, weirdly enough, is described…

Dungeon Siege III Reviews

We have rounded up some more reviews for Square Enix and Obsidian Entertainment’s hack’n’slash Dungeon Siege III, impressions being – as you’ve grown to expect at this point – very mixed. Rock, Paper, Shotgun has one of their customary scoreless…

Dungeon Siege III Reviews

We have put together another batch of critiques for Square Enix and Obsidian Entertainment’s Dungeon Siege III, keeping on with with the trend of mixed impressions received so far. The A.V. Club, B+. The game does have a few weaknesses.…