Albinauric Staff

Short staff with a blue glintstone embedded. Wielded by the Albinaurics of old. The Albinaurics harbor a secret; they cast sorcery using their innate arcaneness.
Weapon Skill: No Skill
Attack Type: – Strike
Weight: 2.5
attack power icon eldenring Attack Power: Physical 17 Critical 100
attributes scaling icon eldenring Attribute Scaling: Strength E Intelligence D Arcane C
attributes required icon eldenring Attributes Required: Strength 6 Intelligence 10 Arcane 12
guarded damage negation icon eldenring Guarded Damage Negation: 23/14/14/14/14/14

weapons 025

Where to Find the Albinauric Staff

You can find it in the Volcano Manor legacy dungeon.

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