Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff

Summons spirit of Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff
Renowned Ashes.
FP Cost: 108

sb icon 01 016

Legendary ashen remains. Use to summon the spirit of Kristoff, the Ancient Dragon Knight. Spirit of Kristoff, an honorable knight of Leyndell who was also a devout worshipper of the ancient dragons. His skills strike down foes with thunderbolts, the dragons’ weapon of choice. After the First Defense of Leyndell, Kristoff earned the hero’s honor of Erdtree Burial for the feat of capturing Godefroy the Grafted.

Where to Find the Crimson Seed Talisman

Reward for defeating the boss of the Sainted Hero’s Grave dungeon on the Altus Plateau.

sainted heros grave location elden ring 1
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