Battlemage Robe

Robe worn by scholars of the Raya Lucaria Academy, tattered from being worn on the battlefield.

Whenever war broke out and the academy sealed its gates, only Haima’s scholars dared venture outside.
Seclusion is no way to foster discovery; it is only a convenient form of escape.
Slot: Body
Weight: 4.1
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 5.3 Strike 4.2 Slash 6.1 Pierce 5.3
Magic 13 Fire 11.9 Lightning 12.4 Holy 12.6
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 42 Robustness 23 Focus 63 Vitality 71 Poise 10

Battlemage Robe

Part of the Battlemage set.

Where to Find the Battlemage Robe

Drops from a mage found near the West Windmill Pasture, in the far north of Altus Plateau. See Part 3 of the Altus Plateau walkthrough for details on acquiring.

location of battlemage altus plateau elden ring
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