Black Dumpling

Black Dumpling

Black Dumpling

Game: Elden Ring

Mask forced on a victim’s head to lend torture an extra degree of cruelty.
It magnifies one’s fears and makes them acutely aware of all forms of pain.

Raises attack power when the wearer suffers from madness.

When the Black Dumpling goes on, the torturer no longer seeks answers; only to inflict suffering without hope of relief.
Slot: Head
Weight: 2.7
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 2.8 Strike 2.8 Slash 3.1 Pierce 2.8
Magic 3.1 Fire 3.4 Lightning 3.6 Holy 3.1
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 24 Robustness 15 Focus 0 Vitality 20 Poise 4

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