Black Knight Greaves

Black Knight Greaves

Black Knight Greaves

Game: Elden Ring

Greaves worn by the Black Knights, servants of Messmer the Impaler. Black iron ornamented with gold. A rotten odor stubbornly clings to it.

Perhaps it arises from the tainted nature of the blood that splattered upon it. Or perhaps it is the wearer’s own blackened soul, festering after endless slaughter.
Slot: Leg
Weight: 8.5
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 8.4 Strike 8.4 Slash 7.1 Pierce 9.2
Magic 7.1 Fire 7.4 Lightning 6.2 Holy 6.5
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 26 Robustness 41 Focus 15 Vitality 15 Poise 17

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