Brave’s Cord Circlet

Brave's Cord Circlet

Brave’s Cord Circlet

Game: Elden Ring

This item is not obtainable.

Warrior’s headband of woven leather.
Garb worn by warriors of the frigid uplands.

The small flags, white cloths and sheaves of wheat
often found hung from these headbands are
prayers of farewell from the people of their home.
In bidding farewell to warriors departing on
a journey from which they aren’t like to return,
this small act offers only meager relief.
Slot: Head
Weight: 1
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 0.9 Strike 0.9 Slash 0.9 Pierce 0.2
Magic 4.4 Fire 4 Lightning 4.2 Holy 4.4
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 15 Robustness 8 Focus 26 Vitality 26 Poise 2

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