Diallos’s Mask

Diallos's Mask

Diallos’s Mask

Game: Elden Ring

Replica of a twin-tailed silver helm with flowery adornments. Only, without the twin tails.

Diallos Hoslow had an older brother who was a stern, self-possessed man of few words. His achievements made him seem out of reach.

And so the younger aspired to be like the older. Yearning for the day that he would tell the tale of House Hoslow, in blood. Knowing full well that it would break his brother’s heart.
Slot: Head
Weight: 4.6
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 4.8 Strike 4.6 Slash 3.8 Pierce 4.4
Magic 3.6 Fire 3.6 Lightning 2.5 Holy 3.4
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 15 Robustness 23 Focus 10 Vitality 10 Poise 7

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