Fire Prelate Greaves

Fire Prelate Greaves

Fire Prelate Greaves

Game: Elden Ring

Black iron greaves with the appearance of flames.
Attire of the Fire Prelates, commanders of the Fire Monks.

The weighty frames of the Prelates symbolized the onus of their grave vows as guardians of the flame. “Etch this sight upon thine breast. Of my thunderous gravity.”
Slot: Leg
Weight: 15.3
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 11.1 Strike 10.6 Slash 9.8 Pierce 10.6
Magic 7.7 Fire 11.5 Lightning 7.4 Holy 7.6
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 41 Robustness 39 Focus 56 Vitality 31 Poise 27

Part of the Fire Prelate set.

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