Land of Reeds Helm

Land of Reeds Helm

Land of Reeds Helm

Game: Elden Ring

Helm made from strips of iron fastened together.
Worn by warriors of the Land of Reeds.

The Land of Reeds has long been locked in a miserable civil war, during which time it has remained alienated from the cultures of its neighbors. Little wonder that the entire nation has succumbed to blood-soaked madness, or so it is said.
Slot: Head
Weight: 3.6
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 3.1 Strike 4.8 Slash 3.4 Pierce 3.4
Magic 3.6 Fire 4 Lightning 4.2 Holy 3.8
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 26 Robustness 22 Focus 0 Vitality 23 Poise 5

Part of the Land of Reeds set.

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