Lazuli Glintstone Crown

Lazuli Glintstone Crown

Lazuli Glintstone Crown

Game: Elden Ring

One of the glintstone crowns bestowed upon Raya Lucaria scholars whose pursuits were deemed worthy.

Increases intelligence and dexterity to the detriment of HP.

Scholars of the Lazuli Conspectus study Carian sorceries—a heterodox pursuit that views the moon as equal to the stars.
Slot: Head
Weight: 5.1
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 4.4 Strike 5.2 Slash 3.1 Pierce 4.8
Magic 4.4 Fire 4.5 Lightning 3.4 Holy 3.8
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 16 Robustness 26 Focus 10 Vitality 10 Poise 6

Part of the Lazuli Sorcerer set.

Where to Find the Lazuli Glintstone Crown

Drops from a crystal crab in the Academy of Raya Lucaria — see this section of the walkthrough for details on acquiring.

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