Lusat’s Glintstone Crown

Lusat's Glintstone Crown

Lusat’s Glintstone Crown

Game: Elden Ring

The giant blue glintstone crown worn by Lusat, primeval current sorcerer.

This crown replaced Lusat’s brain and skull altogether, and now, removed from his body, it is all but dead. What power remains within raises the potency of Lusat’s primeval current sorceries at the cost of additional FP consumption.
Slot: Head
Weight: 3.6
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 3.1 Strike 3.1 Slash 2.3 Pierce 2.3
Magic 5.5 Fire 4.6 Lightning 4.8 Holy 4.9
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 23 Robustness 11 Focus 39 Vitality 44 Poise 4

Part of the Lusat’s set.

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