Marionette Soldier Birdhelm

Marionette Soldier Birdhelm

Marionette Soldier Birdhelm

Game: Elden Ring

Metal helm formed in the likeness of the face of a bird.
Worn by avionette soldiers, crafted to serve the sorcerers.

The construction of this helm is remarkably crude.

For a doll, the only thing that matters is that it does not break.
Slot: Head
Weight: 3.8
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 4.4 Strike 4 Slash 3.1 Pierce 3.8
Magic 3.1 Fire 3.1 Lightning 2.5 Holy 2.5
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 11 Robustness 18 Focus 8 Vitality 9 Poise 6

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