Nox Mirrorhelm

Nox Mirrorhelm

Nox Mirrorhelm

Game: Elden Ring

Helm fashioned from a crystal looking-glass.
One among the Eternal City’s ritual implements.
Easily broken and weak against striking attacks.

Worn by those committed to high treason, it wards off the intervention of the Greater Will and its vassal Fingers.
Slot: Head
Weight: 7.5
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 4 Strike 5.5 Slash 3.4 Pierce 5
Magic 6.7 Fire 5.3 Lightning 4.2 Holy 5.3
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 29 Robustness 33 Focus 26 Vitality 42 Poise 6

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