Omen Gauntlets

Malformed gauntlets resembling an Omen with its horns cut off.

Worn by the Dung Eater, their form is a vision of the landscape of his mind, and of his appearance as he wished to see it.

The heart of an Omen without the body to match; could there be any crueler existence?
What does it matter, then, if the curse claims it all?
Slot: Arm
Weight: 7.7
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 4.6 Strike 4.7 Slash 3.7 Pierce 4.7
Magic 3.2 Fire 3.6 Lightning 3.7 Holy 3.4
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 22 Robustness 21 Focus 19 Vitality 25 Poise 9

Omen Gauntlets

Part of the Omen set.

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