Ruler’s Mask

Ruler's Mask

Ruler’s Mask

Game: Elden Ring

Mask in the image of a wizened sage.
Customary dress among lords in a smaller nation.
Increases faith.

Such a mask illustrates the qualities of an ideal lord: chiefly, wise and possessing a certain defanged geniality.
One at the center of society often finds these qualities most expedient.
Slot: Head
Weight: 2.2
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 1.8 Strike 2.3 Slash 2.3 Pierce 1.4
Magic 4.6 Fire 4.4 Lightning 4.6 Holy 4.7
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 20 Robustness 10 Focus 33 Vitality 33 Poise 3

Part of the Ruler’s set.

Where to Find the Ruler’s Mask

Found up the dirt path that leads east from the Abandoned Coffin site of grace in Altus Plateau — see walkthrough for details on acquiring.

location of ruler set elden ring
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